The Fall'ers and Coho are a-Comin'...

Wahoo, a few coho and a few hundred fall nookers are over the dam already... :dance:
Oh yeah, as long as those nets dont sweep up too much It may pan out to be a good year. Did ya see that fatty fall hen Youngbuck307 got?
If only that wind would play nice for a day up there in the gorge!
osmosis said:
Oh yeah, as long as those nets dont sweep up too much It may pan out to be a good year. Did ya see that fatty fall hen Youngbuck307 got?
If only that wind would play nice for a day up there in the gorge!

Yeah I saw that big fish! I couldnt keep the swarms of smolts OFF a spinner that was just as big as them, so I guess that kept the real fish darting out from under the rock.

Yes the wind was not very nice, but it helps casting plunking rigs cause the spin n glow doesn't hang close to the weight, and its off with the wind. A natural spreader! People were laughing and pointing cause I ran out of lead (only had 2 big weights, unless I wanted to use like 3 two oz and 8 1/4s...) and I had a big ol rock on the end of my line.
The rock trick comes in handy from time to time, they should all know that!

We avoided the smolts best we could, you can see the clouds of them and we made sure to not cast anywhere near 'em. We only got one chinook smolt of about 10" and luckily it was a long line release.

Definitely know what you mean about the plunking rigs, but it sucks for trying to cast drift gear or plugs in the creek.
do these fall nooks and coho come through the willy in the downtown area? can i fish for them there? so in need of a hookup...
osmosis said:
The rock trick comes in handy from time to time, they should all know that!

We avoided the smolts best we could, you can see the clouds of them and we made sure to not cast anywhere near 'em. We only got one chinook smolt of about 10" and luckily it was a long line release.

Definitely know what you mean about the plunking rigs, but it sucks for trying to cast drift gear or plugs in the creek.

Why are the tiniest fish more aggressive? I think the bigger ones should be defending them... ;) I was reeling in the spinner as fast as I could , but a smolt just followed it all the way to the bank and almost jumped out by itself.
How does it suck to cast drift/plug rigs in the creek?
the wind ruins your aim, and a majority of the time its the placement of the cast in small water situations that catches the fish. You could make perfect presentations 10' away from them all day and you'd have a very hard time trying to get one to come all the way over and bite. It happens a couple times a year where they run all over to grab a spinner but not often at all.
The little ones are just testing out and checking out anything they see come past since they've never seen them before.

Ninja - they have to go through down there to get to the clack and to all the tribs above the falls, They can't teleport :) . You can fish for them down there. The fall chinook is much better on the columbia but there should be enough coho to find some biters down there.
You should of seen how high the water was the day before. At first, it was low-ish. Then it rocketed up, like 2.5 ft in like 15 min. And that just pretty much killed the bite!
osmosis said:
Ninja - they have to go through down there to get to the clack and to all the tribs above the falls, They can't teleport :) . You can fish for them down there. The fall chinook is much better on the columbia but there should be enough coho to find some biters down there.

thanks, osmo. i wasn't sure if there'll be any fall nooks heading up, and if it's okay to target them at this time. first year fishing newbie here, trying to understand all the ins and outs of the fishery in the pnw.

and, ummm, one more q, do they have to be clipped to tag?


how long till the cohos start stacking up at clackamette want to take my boy up there to watch the fish go crazy!?
fish_on!!! said:
how long till the cohos start stacking up at clackamette want to take my boy up there to watch the fish go crazy!?

In a couple weeks... they'll be running a-crazy. I've never seen the fish there, what happens?
like fireworks to a kid

like fireworks to a kid

a whole lot of jumps and a lot splashing. last year was the first time i seen that many fish jump out of the water i bet if u drifted a boat slowly through them 1 would jump on boared :shock:
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