Super high jack count!

Ok so I was looking at the jack counts trying to figure out next years spring chromers..ran into this eluded to the fact that if everything panned out the jack count says over a million springers next year!...not likely but whatever.
1 million Adults would be unreal !!! Fingers are crossed
I million Adults. That wouldent even be fishing. Thats catching.
thats like this years shad run...
From what Ive been told this years Shad run was horrible compared with years past. I wasn't around last year so I wouldnt know.
Last year wasn't that much either, but it was packed into a short time with HUGE numbers! It was only some 2500000, but had days in the 200000+ range.
More realistic is probably 500,000 and probably more like 400,000. There are phenomenon that happen that will make jacks come back in high numbers too, and ruin the next years run. According to everything I can find though none of them exist currently. I guess we'll find out in about 9 waiting for a baby.
Lets hope its a fat hog of a baby !!
did you guys hear ODFW's earlier excuse about the high jack returns? They were saying that they had changed the formula of the food they were feeding them at the hatchery and it could have been chemical (food) related.

odfw are gonna hype the season up to all hell so that everyone gears up and buys tags and gets ready - then they are going to close it after 10 days like every other salmon season lately! Don't get your hopes up until we have englund and kulongoski's greedy hands out of oregon's decision making.
Thats Right. What he said.
You're probably right Osmo. Dirty B******* !!!
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I have long been a proponent of a voter inititive to end this garbage.
1. Ban gillnets in oregon.
2. List all salmonids as sport fish only, withdraw from any compacts with commercial harvest, adopt a 0 commercial harvest stance as our only position and allocation on the compact.

Englund would crap himself, who cares what Kuglingadfklk thinks.
osmosis said:
did you guys hear ODFW's earlier excuse about the high jack returns? They were saying that they had changed the formula of the food they were feeding them at the hatchery and it could have been chemical (food) related.

odfw are gonna hype the season up to all hell so that everyone gears up and buys tags and gets ready - then they are going to close it after 10 days like every other salmon season lately! Don't get your hopes up until we have englund and kulongoski's greedy hands out of oregon's decision making.

I found some interviews where they talked about that...said all they did was go from a dry to a wet formula..that there is no nutritional difference...but we shall see. Watch it be a million fish run and they will find a way to screw us out of the fish.
I have heard in a report that came out a while ago (month or so) that a LARGE number of those "jacks" were actually adults of unusual small size and does not reflect the typical predictions usually associated with jack numbers on the preceeding years returns. ODFW has no way of anylizing every jack that goes by and has just adopted the small fish as "jacks."
I don't doubt that for a second thats what ODFW would say to cover thier rear on the predictions, however everybody I know that has cought them says they are true jacks immature males, I know of a couple jills also.
Can someone explain to me why, after so many years of research, and the billions of dollars generated from sportfishing, does the columbia river not have a consistently good run of springers. I realize that that are many things that determine the sucess of a run, but I don't think 3/4 million to a million is an unachievable number.
It is with shad! :tongue: :lol:
Someone said that shad come back so strong because they can spawn more than once. This is also true with steelhead. Why arent steelhead almost as strong as shad? Shad are also caught by the thousands with so many people and such high catch rates. And yet, it seems like nooks come back stronger than steelhead.
Metalmania....It has to do with ocean conditions, avian predation, commercial harvest, and gill netters. Ocean conditions play a major role in chinook returns, the more available feed the more, bigger, and stronger the returns. Avain predation is a huge factor. It's estimated that almost a third of the outgoing smolt are lost to birds like cormerants, turns, gulls, and mergansers. Commercial harvest numbers are projected like this: 1.3 million smolt equals 900,000 chinook sub adults, at this stage of the life cycle there is little predation, so commercials see that only 35,000 need to return to the rivers, a specific buffer will be created maybe 10%, making the return 38,500. after thier quotas are met then the sport anglers will be allowed thier quota, based on an estimated return on the projected 38500. they figure in by catch on other types of vesseles (pollack)at say 3%. that leaves a fishable population of 1155 sport fish or around 1 to 2% of the total run, of those they may only be hatch fish, and then this year that number was split 50/50 with gill netters.(more commercial harvest). So now you get a quota of 577 fish. A million fish run is possible if we can curtail commercial harvest, fight for our rights as vote wielding tax paying, license buying..and pi**ed off sportsman. The numbers i threw out are just an example..thats why we will never see a million fish return...Blame it on Alaska trollers. They will never allow you a dream season without a mandate from voters and federal intervention.
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Call it like I sees it

Call it like I sees it

Being from Michigan I know all about mishandeling a sportfishery. (BTW thank you to all west coast anglers for providing us midwest holsom types the great King Salmon what a treat to land one of these in a creek no wider than VW is long.) Politicians and the like need to listen to fisherman and realize the bounty of CASH that is available by cattering to our demands. It seams like a simple forumula. This formula includes but is not limited to the following: Tourism, Tags, Taxes (you folks don't have sales tax but increased tourism increases the number of workers [income tax] needed to cater to the Californians), Tourism and of course Tourism. When the Michigan Salmon fishery was booming in the 70's it wasn't uncommon for for a Fishing Derby to draw thousands of participants form all over the east cost/midwest to such far away towns as Manistee, MI. Do they realize the econimic boost to a town like this? A town that now seems like a distant memory of a once great Iconic destination by City Slicker types all over New England. I can't comment on the commercial fishing problems due to ignorance but I can say this; give me two reasons why farm raised salmon salmon can't aid us sportfishers? All of those apposed to farm raised or ocean farming (see Japan) should take a good hard look at our native populations, clearly theirs a problem. Ocean farming works and it is sustainable, keep the hatchery fish out of our beloved spawning reds, some natives can't compete with the larger hatchery mongrels. (see Deschutes)

That's all for now and if more are intersted I'll have another Labatt's and run my digits across these keys a few more times.
Farmed fish

Farmed fish

farmed fish come with thier own set of problems. They can cause sea lice infestations that literally kill thousands of wild fish not to mention the growth hormones, and other chemicals used make them grow faster.

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