Was at the ramp at sunrise, and it was beautiful..life is very good.
Water temp: 48 degrees at the ramp...51 in the shallows. The weather was perfect for angling, cloud cover, wind, on and off rain showers. Major tonnage of floating debris, makes for tough trolling, not that you can't just tougher. Caught my first Trout trolling by the bridge in the back, large spoon real slow. Most of the morning was spent locating schools of fish and targeting them and moving on, have no real guess on the number of fish but the quality of the fish is reminiscent of two years ago. If you were able to be party to that then you will be happy to know that they are back.
Quite a few bank anglers, tough to fish from the bank this time of the year with all the stuff in the water. At least with a boat I could shelter myself using the large island sized pods of debris, and it worked rather well. At one point three cast; three fish each larger than the last. Problem was one of those floating islands forced me out.
Spent the morning and was gone by noonthirty, and home in time to watch the end of the Masters.
No pictures and I know....troutski will not be happy.
Water temp: 48 degrees at the ramp...51 in the shallows. The weather was perfect for angling, cloud cover, wind, on and off rain showers. Major tonnage of floating debris, makes for tough trolling, not that you can't just tougher. Caught my first Trout trolling by the bridge in the back, large spoon real slow. Most of the morning was spent locating schools of fish and targeting them and moving on, have no real guess on the number of fish but the quality of the fish is reminiscent of two years ago. If you were able to be party to that then you will be happy to know that they are back.
Quite a few bank anglers, tough to fish from the bank this time of the year with all the stuff in the water. At least with a boat I could shelter myself using the large island sized pods of debris, and it worked rather well. At one point three cast; three fish each larger than the last. Problem was one of those floating islands forced me out.
Spent the morning and was gone by noonthirty, and home in time to watch the end of the Masters.
No pictures and I know....troutski will not be happy.