
grampa ron
Are there any striper fisherman on this forum? Is there anyone with a boat
that would like to go? I have been quite a few times when I had a boat. It's quite a trip. It involves fishing at night at this time of year. Usually cold and can be foggy.
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Did I hear Stripers, man that brings back memories, I didn't know they were this far North. Are they????? Season????

Yum, stripers

Yum, stripers

I didn't know stripers were up that far, either. One of my favorites for fishing and eating:). Would a 12ft fishing boat with a 6hp motor work? I'm gonna bring it with me to portland one of these days.
I don't fish for stripers, but I would love too. The Umpqua river and the Smith River are the places in Oregon to go for stripers, the Smith River holds the World Record Striper caught on the fly, weighing 63lbs, they spawn late March through May
Nice future fishman Fishnquest.

I guess I'll be doing some reseach on the Smith then. I know the Umpqua is famous for Fly Fishing, never heard of Striper belfor.

Thanks for the heads up.
Smith River

Smith River

My wife is from Reedsport - and that river is as far as stripers go to the north - it has some big ones in it -


Yes this is the season. My best trip was 6 in one evening, worst is none.
I have been wanting to try Stripper fishing for years now, used to have a house on the smith years back, but never had the chance to get out on a boat in the tide water... i do have access to a boat now and i am in Eugene , could make it to the coast sometime next month or two to try this out. would be nice to go with someone that has a good idea on what these beasts like.
Granpa ron, can you tell us more about where you find stripers in the rivers this time of the year? Things like type of structure, current, depth, etc...?
Smith stripers

Smith stripers

I did a recon and checked out the Smith starting near the top, driving downstream with the river on my left...not a soul up there and to be honest it looked more trouty than that a word? So I found a road that came out near Scottsburg, drove on down to the bay and then up to the Smith again, presumably on the same road I'd left since the river was now on my right. I noticed right away that there were boatramps so I decided there must be something going on there at times.

Weren't any trailers though so I drove upriver a ways to check it out. Made a note to fish it one day soon and now with this new info I'm ready to go. I'll have to wade or bank it though but it sounds like now is the time. Thinking I'll wait till this front leaves then I'll head over for a look..maybe two days after the rain stops.


smith river

smith river

whens the best time of day to fish the smith or is it a night fishery? lures, flies? spots to fish? id like to give it a try sometime in the nexted 3-4 weeks
Striper hours...

Striper hours...

Hello mosd, in the current regs on pg 8 at the bottom are listed the hours for game fish. The way it reads is that one can fish for Striped Bass (unless I'm missing something) anytime.

The "Unlawful to:" part includes salmon, shad, steelhead, sturgeon, trout or whitefish and says only daylight hours (one hour before sunrise until one hour after sunset). Hope that helps.

I still plan on going over to the Smith and can go anytime so maybe run into you over there or could make a plan. I don't have a boat and I'll be fly fishing.


mosd said:
whens the best time of day to fish the smith or is it a night fishery? lures, flies? spots to fish? id like to give it a try sometime in the nexted 3-4 weeks
CA Stripers

CA Stripers

Welcome to the board Seon, nice striper ! It's a bit of a haul for me to take you up on your generous offer, something like 8 or more hour drive but you never know. I wonder how deep you have to troll to pick up a striper where you fish? I remember as a kid in SF bay (the water was clear then) trolling for stripers with my friend and his dad. I never got a big one but it sure was fun.

Dad took my brother and I up to Port Costa and we tried for stripers along the RR tracks too. The water was very clear then...I remember being able to see down about 15' or so. Long gone days.



Seon said:
Hi all,
I'm a newbie to this forum, checking in from south of the border...California.
Here in the Delta on the Sacramento river, the Striper season is just starting to pick up.
MontanaMoose said:
Hello mosd, in the current regs on pg 8 at the bottom are listed the hours for game fish. The way it reads is that one can fish for Striped Bass (unless I'm missing something) anytime.

The "Unlawful to:" part includes salmon, shad, steelhead, sturgeon, trout or whitefish and says only daylight hours (one hour before sunrise until one hour after sunset). Hope that helps.

I still plan on going over to the Smith and can go anytime so maybe run into you over there or could make a plan. I don't have a boat and I'll be fly fishing.



flyfishing eh? thats my speciality but was wanting to try gear first before it took the flyrod
Gear V Flies

Gear V Flies

You'll prolly have a better chance of connecting
withg a striper with gear than I will with flies but
all I do nowadays is fly fish. Sounds like big fun
either way though...wonder who to contact that
can see the Smith on any given day to state
water color and such.



mosd said:
flyfishing eh? thats my speciality but was wanting to try gear first before it took the flyrod
MontanaMoose said:
Welcome ... I wonder how deep you have to troll to pick up a striper where you fish? I remember as a kid in SF bay (the water was clear then) trolling for stripers with my friend and his dad. I never got a big one but it sure was fun...



In todays trolling, it's entirely different from the yester years where I trolled with a silver spoon and a pork rind trailer. Now with sonar, depending on where I mark Stripers, I'll troll 8'-9' ft using shallow divers with a white worm trailer or I'll throw on a deep diver lure that gets down 11'-12'. Broke back rebels and Yozuris, both shallow and deep divers are the only ones I use but various colors.

Hey Hawk, sounds like you know this area down here pretty well.

BTW I'll be headed up Portland in mid/late May to do some Sturgeon fishing but if there's Stripers, I can do one day for them...if anyone is interested in joining me, I'll have my boat and can show you how to troll, but my disclaimer is that I don't guarantee catching one :lol:
Not the same as it once was...

Not the same as it once was...

Interesting Seon...and I wonder why...does it have something to do with the water clarity?

It sounds like I could get in the zone if all I
needed to do was get a fly down 9 or 10
that's not out of the question at all. Starting to
get anxious to go over to the Smith and give it a
try since this is the time. Couple days after this
storm I'm thinkin'. Good luck in Portland when
you go.


Smith Rivver Stripers

Smith Rivver Stripers

I've only been striper fishing on the Smith River about 20 times. My best night was 6 fish hooked 3 lost. Two of them were lost right at the boat because of dull hooks on brand new lures. The fish were flopping beside the boat and almost in the net when the lure just fell out. Stripers have very tough mouths. The third one was lost because the person I was with was using 10lb line. Over half the trips were a bust. I haven't been back for a couple of years but I doubt things have changed much. Striper fishing a night is about the toughest kind of fishing you can do in Oregon.
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Smith River

Smith River

Thanks for the input grampa ron, now I really want to go give it a try since it's so tough !


Maybe theres hope afterall. I'm moving up to Central Oregon at the end of the month Leaving All my honey holes right when All the Nice Striped ones start to move into my home water. Sounds like the rivers that have the stripers up there are more suited for Bait fishing or trolling. I make my own Topwater Plugs for chasing the stripers and was hoping I'll be able to still continue to throw the wood at some up there too.
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