Stolen gear on the morning of my trip....

Had plans to go Gator fishin with Fishfinger this am down on the Willy. Those plans have desicrated upon by someone who apparently thinks they need to fish more than I do.

Last night I loaded up my Datsun 720 King Cab with two rods6'6 Sturdy Stick and an11ft Northriver, one spinning reel-Diawa, one casting reel-Penn Peerless, one tackle bag- black and red Rapala-full of Gator gear, lunch-egg salad sammich, cell phone-Boost Mobile, a bait cooler, all change and bills floating around the cab, etc..

Woke up this am, got on here and goofed around for a bit, then just a few minutes ago, went out to start the truck. You know somethin aint right when the driver side door is closer, and couldnt see my rods in the bed....closer yet, and NONE of my gear was where it was supposed to be. In fact, it was nowhere in sight. :shock::confused::(:mad:

Suppossed to meet up at Meldrum at 8, but hey guess what....they took the eff'n battery too. The only good news to come of this is I leave my car unlocked, so I dont have to replace a window.:confused:

So now im off to file a police report, drop off a few pics of my gear to the local pawn shops...and probably find a corner to cry in.
Sorry to hear this most distressing news. Every body needs to keep a look out for your gear, hopefully some or all of it will be recovered.
Fishtopher said:
Had plans to go Gator fishin with Fishfinger this am down on the Willy. Those plans have desicrated upon by someone who apparently thinks they need to fish more than I do.

Last night I loaded up my Datsun 720 King Cab with two rods6'6 Sturdy Stick and an11ft Northriver, one spinning reel-Diawa, one casting reel-Penn Peerless, one tackle bag- black and red Rapala-full of Gator gear, lunch-egg salad sammich, cell phone-Boost Mobile, a bait cooler, all change and bills floating around the cab, etc..

Woke up this am, got on here and goofed around for a bit, then just a few minutes ago, went out to start the truck. You know somethin aint right when the driver side door is closer, and couldnt see my rods in the bed....closer yet, and NONE of my gear was where it was supposed to be. In fact, it was nowhere in sight. :shock::confused::(:mad:

Suppossed to meet up at Meldrum at 8, but hey guess what....they took the eff'n battery too. The only good news to come of this is I leave my car unlocked, so I dont have to replace a window.:confused:

So now im off to file a police report, drop off a few pics of my gear to the local pawn shops...and probably find a corner to cry in.
man that

aww man that really really stinks. I am sorry to hear that.. we should all be on the lookout for your gear while we are fishing. I just can't believe people sometimes that is just wrong..
Sorry to hear that, Chris. Totally sucks. Odds are it was a small band of teenagers (2) finding trouble. Look for the old car in front of a house that has kids, car that needed a battery. A small car, that fits your battery. Walk around the block a few times, its probably close by. Talk to your neighbors. Either the battery or the rods was a bonus, I think the rods.
Its terrible what people do to people sometimes. Good luck, man.
How friggin' frustrating.... We'll all be keeping an eye out for your gear.

Tried callin' your cell, but it goes to VM.

Don't want to compound the situation by mentioning this morning was the only "window" were gonna get before the storm mucks things up.

Darn it.
Thats is the worst part in my book. Missing the window. Ah well, its raining at my house already...not too windy yet though.

Im quite used to having stuff stolen in the 'hood I live in...I just figured that the last time I chased a guy outta my backyard with my my boxers barefooted...for three 230am, that word would have spread..."dont mess with that guy...hell chase you down with a 12 gauge!" Guess I was wrong on this account. (i could tell by the hollow sound it made when I racked it that it was empty...the perp probably couldnt tell though...but I still had plans to beat the guy silly with an empty Mossberg.)

Thanks for the "sorry"'s. I guess Ill go grab a Valium and do some yoga...take the edge off.
Thats a real drag man. Sometimes bad things happen to good people. It unfortunate. Good luck on finding your gear.
Damn sorry about that man. I've had my gear stolen out of my truck to. Just gotta hope karma gets his a**.
Thats too bad, prob some meth heads lookin for a quick buck :( your insurance prob wont cover it unless you have rental insurance and your truck was parked in the driveway, or if your doors where locked :( hope you recover from this
fishnquest said:
Sorry to hear that, Chris. Totally sucks. Odds are it was a small band of teenagers (2) finding trouble. Look for the old car in front of a house that has kids, car that needed a battery. A small car, that fits your battery. Walk around the block a few times, its probably close by. Talk to your neighbors. Either the battery or the rods was a bonus, I think the rods.
Its terrible what people do to people sometimes. Good luck, man.

Great idea!!
Years ago, I had the battery stolen out of my car. Across the street I noticed that there was an old battery sitting on the driveway, and the car that had been 'broke down' for weeks was gone.
I called the cops, filed a report, they talked to the guy, and lo and behold, he just happened to have the same make of battery that I had listed in the police report. The guy was well known to the law as a petty thief.
I got my battery back, he got 3 days in the slammer, plus a sore jaw a week later when he confronted me for turning him in.
Fishtopher said:
Thats is the worst part in my book. Missing the window. Ah well, its raining at my house already...not too windy yet though.

Im quite used to having stuff stolen in the 'hood I live in...I just figured that the last time I chased a guy outta my backyard with my my boxers barefooted...for three 230am, that word would have spread..."dont mess with that guy...hell chase you down with a 12 gauge!" Guess I was wrong on this account. (i could tell by the hollow sound it made when I racked it that it was empty...the perp probably couldnt tell though...but I still had plans to beat the guy silly with an empty Mossberg.)

Thanks for the "sorry"'s. I guess Ill go grab a Valium and do some yoga...take the edge off.

In the ol' days, it was called a scatter gun.
When you racked a shell in, everybody scattered. lol

I know a better way to 'take the edge off', but since this is a family oriented forum I won't mention it.
rainman said:
Great idea!!
Years ago, I had the battery stolen out of my car. Across the street I noticed that there was an old battery sitting on the driveway, and the car that had been 'broke down' for weeks was gone.
I called the cops, filed a report, they talked to the guy, and lo and behold, he just happened to have the same make of battery that I had listed in the police report. The guy was well known to the law as a petty thief.
I got my battery back, he got 3 days in the slammer, plus a sore jaw a week later when he confronted me for turning him in.

Yep. I was speaking from experience, too. Eons ago, monkey wards battery stolen out of my 67 camaro. It had individual caps on it and one unscrewed itself and was lost. Wards gave me a replacement cap, but it was a different color. I found my battery in the same apt complex, in another 67 camaro! It was sitting in the parking garage with the hood open, of all things!
Dang that sucks bro, I'll keep my eyes open on Craigslist and such. Hope all your stuff finds it's way back to ya.
That ****ing sucks. Probalbly a meth head wanting a quick buck. Hopefully your **** shows up somewhere.
rainman said:
I know a better way to 'take the edge off', but since this is a family oriented forum I won't mention it.

Im always open to suggestions...chances are though it was the first thing I did when I came back in the house. But feel free to send the ol' PM...

Theres no doubt in my mind Ill find out who did it. Unless they were from a different part of town. The streets talk....and I tend to listen.

Thanks for looking out guys. Ive got pics of the gear around here somewhere...hopefully I can get em up quicker than later.

Ive strolled the neighborhood checking all the rigs that have been sitting for a while, and havent noticed any that have been moved...yet.
Hey chris that bites sorry to hear that. One thing you might think about is posting an ad on craigslist. Not to report the crime but under the wanted section. dont post everything that was stole or make it look obvious.Just one thing you know you can identify, Its worth a shot. If you do find out who, give a shout I got your back. PM me if you want my cell #
I feel kinda dumb. My father in law, who lives 8 houses away, brought all my stuff back last night.:redface:
"dont ya think you should put yer **** away at night" he says.
I dont know whether to be crazy mad, or thankful. I told him I was gonna pop a tire on his 'Vette for making me miss a fishing trip. He did pay for the new battery I bought, and kept the old one.:confused:
Fishtopher said:
I feel kinda dumb. My father in law, who lives 8 houses away, brought all my stuff back last night.:redface:
"dont ya think you should put yer **** away at night" he says.
I dont know whether to be crazy mad, or thankful. I told him I was gonna pop a tire on his 'Vette for making me miss a fishing trip. He did pay for the new battery I bought, and kept the old one.:confused:

The important question is: Did you get the sandwich back?
All's well that ends well. :clap:
Wow I would take that as lesson learned.
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