Steelheading in the mud

water had surprising clarity..18" probably. one on a yarnie and krill/egg scent. the other on a silver #4 spinner. both fish were hooked not more than 6' from the bank on the inside of the current seam.
You deserve two dancing banana's for those!

You deserve two dancing banana's for those!

Good for you! :clap: It's good to see they didn't all get lockjaw. :rolleyes: I'm sure the water around here will clear up sometime around July 5th...our usual good weather window....:confused: :lol: Congratulations on two nice ones! :yay: :yay:
Hey those look better than they did on the cell phone screen. Nice fish. I need to start getting my summer gear back in order so i can make a trip with the right gear. Oh and by the way thats bfishins number not mine but keep the pictures coming.
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