Steelhead worms

Those look nice! Steelhead would hit that because Its the first time its seen something like that. Do they float?
Troutier Bassier said:
Those look nice! Steelhead would hit that because Its the first time its seen something like that. Do they float?

I'm pretty sure they float. Is it better if they float? I just checked them and yes they do float.
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TTFishon said:
I'm pretty sure they float. Is it better if they float? I just checked them and yes they do float.

If you are bobber fishing... you don't want them to float :)
If you are drift fishing... yes you want them to float :)
If you are plunking... yes you want them to float :)
listen to the kid whos never caught a steelhead...

Yes its better, I think. Cause you can do more with them and they look more natural then sinking ones do.
And You can still bobber fish with them if you put them on a jig head.
FishSchooler said:
If you are bobber fishing... you don't want them to float :)
If you are drift fishing... yes you want them to float :)
If you are plunking... yes you want them to float :)

I disagree when float fishing. Its not bad to have them float and sometimes I think its better. You can set your leader to two or three feet and have no weight on your leader. Use the weight above your leader as your depth gauge and try to get it close to the bottom, then you leader will swing around down towards the bottom and the floating worm will move around in the current like a natural worm would. Works pretty good from what I hear! ;)
steelhead_stalkers said:
I disagree when float fishing. Its not bad to have them float and sometimes I think its better. You can set your leader to two or three feet and have no weight on your leader. Use the weight above your leader as your depth gauge and try to get it close to the bottom, then you leader will swing around down towards the bottom and the floating worm will move around in the current like a natural worm would. Works pretty good from what I hear! ;)

Yea I agree.. I have caught them on the worm like that. I basically drift fish them with a float. Slinky weight and float to match water condition and just barely tap bottom or just off bottom with a floating worm. Works great!
steelhead_stalkers said:
I disagree when float fishing. Its not bad to have them float and sometimes I think its better. You can set your leader to two or three feet and have no weight on your leader. Use the weight above your leader as your depth gauge and try to get it close to the bottom, then you leader will swing around down towards the bottom and the floating worm will move around in the current like a natural worm would. Works pretty good from what I hear! ;)

If I am thinking of you are meaning... that would probably give a better presentation, but there is a much larger chance of not seeing the bobber go down when you get a bite, because the slack that the floating worm has built.

Do natural worms float? nooooo ;)
we probably have some genetically altered worms that do float... technology these days :rolleyes:
Mike123 said:
Yea I agree.. I have caught them on the worm like that. I basically drift fish them with a float. Slinky weight and float to match water condition and just barely tap bottom or just off bottom with a floating worm. Works great!

when you say float are you talking about a bobber or a corkie?
I'm assuming bobber.
joni said:
when you say float are you talking about a bobber or a corkie?
I'm assuming bobber.

Yea bobber... I say float cause bobber just reminds me of those plastic red and white ones we used as kids. :lol:
Mike123 said:
Yea bobber... I say float cause bobber just reminds me of those plastic red and white ones we used as kids. :lol:
Keep Laughing Mike...
im not a kid but bobbers and worms work great imo.. might want to give it a try for old time sakes lol
Mike123 said:
Yea bobber... I say float cause bobber just reminds me of those plastic red and white ones we used as kids. :lol:

ok cool so why not just drift fish instead of drift fish with a bobber?
joni said:
ok cool so why not just drift fish instead of drift fish with a bobber?

Slow water or deep pools... you could just use a couple split shot, but I just prefer a float.

TB... sorry to offend you, are those the kind of bobbers you use? :)
Throbbit _Shane said:
im not a kid but bobbers and worms work great imo.. might want to give it a try for old time sakes lol

I use bobber and worms all the time! I use 1/8oz west coast slip floats! They don't tangle and you can fish whatever depth you want! ;)
Mike123 said:
I use bobber and worms all the time! I use 1/8oz west coast slip floats! They don't tangle and you can fish whatever depth you want! ;)

Im gonna start using those too. I wish that outdoors place didn't close so damn early.
Throbbit _Shane said:
Im gonna start using those too. I wish that outdoors place didn't close so damn early.

Yea I hate those dam clip on ones! If you don't fling it out there jussssttt right, they tangle all up. Plus you can only fish like 5ft max...
steelhead_stalkers said:
I disagree when float fishing. Its not bad to have them float and sometimes I think its better. You can set your leader to two or three feet and have no weight on your leader. Use the weight above your leader as your depth gauge and try to get it close to the bottom, then you leader will swing around down towards the bottom and the floating worm will move around in the current like a natural worm would. Works pretty good from what I hear! ;)

your right or should i say that is the most productive and natural way to fish them i know a lot of guides and top pros that only fish there worms that way or with a white pearl jig head that is how i perfer to fish them

and fish schooler in the river where you would be fishing a pink worm they do float well at least they float up in the curent of the water they are so lite they just float up and wigle all around in the curent
or so that is what i have sean
Mike123 said:
Slow water or deep pools... you could just use a couple split shot, but I just prefer a float.

TB... sorry to offend you, are those the kind of bobbers you use? :)
HAHAHAHAHA! No, I'm not much of a bobber guy, But if I was I would have a tackle box full of those things.
When fishing with a fly rod, Clip one onto your swivel and you have a bobber and jig with a fly rod, Plus, There cheap and easy to see.
Troutier Bassier said:
HAHAHAHAHA! No, I'm not much of a bobber guy, But if I was I would have a tackle box full of those things.
When fishing with a fly rod, Clip one onto your swivel and you have a bobber and jig with a fly rod, Plus, There cheap and easy to see.

I usually use a big orange corkie for fly rod bobber and peg it with a toothpick.. that's works pretty well.

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