Steelhead off St. Helens docks

Does anybody know if you can catch them off of there or if anybody has? Also what kid of gear should I use. I was trying a cut plug with herring in it. Also what depth do they like? Thanks for any advice.
I have never caught one off the dock there, I believe most of the fish cross over the channel and hug the sand island and east bank. I do know that they have been killin em right tight to the beach at Prescott using spin and glos and a prawn..
Thanks for the feed back. I have tried plunking before but my lines always get twisted up. How can I prevent this? Do I need bigger speader bar form my weight to my first leader with the setup on it?
Thanks for the feed back. I have tried plunking before but my lines always get twisted up. How can I prevent this? Do I need bigger speader bar form my weight to my first leader with the setup on it?

I used to have this problem, until I figured out my setup was wrong. Make sure you're running your globe spinner and bait line on the longer end of your spreader. Also, the leader/bait line should be longer than the weight leader.

Hope that helps.
the majority vote... lets not forget that democracy is like 2 wolves and a sheep voting on whats for dinner,and liberty is a well armed sheep contesting the vote-
Does anybody know if you can catch them off of there or if anybody has? Also what kid of gear should I use. I was trying a cut plug with herring in it. Also what depth do they like? Thanks for any advice.
Try social-security beach with size 8 spin-n-glo pink with black wings and a coon shrimp.
I think the Social Security Beach he is referring to is the one on Sauvie Island (Reeder Road). Coon shrimp are available at most bait shops including Bi-Mart. Make sure you also pick up a roll of "stretchy string" (also available at Bi-Mart). It will help retain the shrimp on your hook.
Don't we have like a dozen or so Social Security beaches in the vicinity? :) It's hard to tell which is which. I guess we are going to have a Google map of those SS beaches pretty soon...
I know of only one near PDX, one in Independence, and one or two in southern Oregon. If people chime in we can map them out.
I think a Social Security Beach or Hole is by definition a well-known and usually productive fishing spot occupied constantly and for the most part by retirees...
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