Steel in SW Oregon

I saw your headline and my heart stopped beating for a second. Congrats. The steelhead are in here on the middle fork of the eel where I can't fish. I hear the indians are damming the river with chicken wire and stabbing them with a lance. Some deal, huh? Anyway, best of luck and keep after em.
the eel man that was a grate river when i was a kid. butthe floods in the 90s messed it up now you can't evan keep a fish on it. i have a lot of famley that lives down there in forttuna. hey have you ever whent up to fish the mad rivr or the vanduzen river or there is the smith or klamith to. there is still some good steelheading down there i have bean told??????
you live in Covelo there is some asomehunting down there for deer and turkys and pigs to have you bean hunting that area at all?
Ok, I was feelin kinda bad about hijacking ninja thread. Thanks barb, for the help. Yeah, the eel is in waaaay southwest oregon:lol:
Dan, im a transplant to covelo and just steelhead fishing for a couple years now. I have found lots of stories and opinions about the loss of the steelhead fishing on the eel. I got my first steelhead on the chetco last year and found OFF trying to learn more about it. We do go to pdx every chance we get to visit our first grandson.
Yeah the smith is big time around here too. I see guides on that like a convoy. The wildlife here is definitely the best part about being here. Deer, turkey, quail, dove, rabbit, bear, fox, and bobcat are regular visitors to my place. I'm watching 4 turkeys and 3 jackrabbit as i type this:D I haven't seen the pigs yet, but they are everywhere.
rite on the eel i am talking about is in CA rite by forttuna and yareka CA ya there are some huge bucks on the grava rod i think it runs beteen covelo and fort brag you know the rod with that huge burn on it from years ago are you going to hunt that area ?
sorry to i did not mean to miss post on ningas porst
Thanks Dan
I'm not familiar with that specific area. The eel river is soo crooked, with so many forks, its confusing to keep track of it. I had to call a dfg biologist to decipher the regs for me for just right here near home, main stem eel and middle fork eel. My wife and I both have lic for both states and fish all along 101 and 5 when we go to pdx. Some day, we'll take the coastal route up through oregon, haven't done that yet.
I fish Fort Bragg area whenever I can get away. I'm not so big on hunting. I went up into the Mendocino National forest with friends for 3 years in a row and never saw a deer, let alone a buck. Two years ago, I came home from the dump and saw him up the hill from my house (I live on a ten acre lot in a forest, more vertical than horizontal); got my first buck. ANyway, the deer season is sooo short now, its hard for me to justify getting the license and tag every year. At least I can fish all year round, and i'm learning the steelhead here in my own "backyard", with the help of you folks on OFF.
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