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hey everyone i was down plunk'n at meldrum bar with my daughter this mornin 3-15 on the way there i told her i was glad she was goin with because i usually dont catch fish down there the rare ocasion is when i take one of my kids any way's i was plunk'n a pink and white winged spin'n glow and a green glow with to red cooners on them wham rod goes off about 9:00 am pick it up set the hook i start fight'n the fish fight'n a little more im think'n dang this steely dont want to come in when it finally did it was a gorgeous 16#er and chrome just the way we like'm my buddy gonna put a pic up for you guy's to all check out :dance: 2nd springer ive caught in about 20 years of fish'n for just about every thing
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