South Santiam drifts?

Good thing I am refinishing my boat this summer...Not sure the color yet,but it won't be white...LOL

I floated this afternoon...I have decided that 12.2 at Foster is a bit more water than I want to fish...It is really pushing and I got through much faster than I like...One thing about it...Now I know and have a baseline of my own...

I did hear of a bright fish caught near the hatchery off the bank...The state police also confiscated it...He must of done something wrong.. YIKES!!


I think I read that you are also going to redo your boat this summer...We will have to compare notes..

Combat Chuck said:
Its ok, if you saw my boat in person you wouldnt feel threatened... you might laugh. I get car-topper jokes about it. It measures 10'6" tip to tip :) I know 2 other people who regularly drift the river and they have white boats, so it just seems like a good philosophy.

Geeze I didn't think yours was that small lol. I bet it handles really well though huh. Mine's 15 foot and I love the extra room with just two people, but it's too crowded for three.
Santiam338 said:
Good thing I am refinishing my boat this summer...Not sure the color yet,but it won't be white...LOL

I floated this afternoon...I have decided that 12.2 at Foster is a bit more water than I want to fish...It is really pushing and I got through much faster than I like...One thing about it...Now I know and have a baseline of my own...

I did hear of a bright fish caught near the hatchery off the bank...The state police also confiscated it...He must of done something wrong.. YIKES!!


I think I read that you are also going to redo your boat this summer...We will have to compare notes..


Yep mine's getting a face lift this summer, new glass on the inside and fresh paint on the outside, haven't decided exactly what colors but it's not gonna be white lol.
Score one for the white boats :D

The river was 11.5 at Foster this morning...You can work holes at this level without blowing through like 12.3.. Can't quite row back up and run them again,but close..

Should of had another one,but its a long sad story..:(

Nice one! Re-run? Or fresh fish? I'm heading out in the AM. :D
Oh no! Stubby Green boats to the river!!!!!!
so were exactly do you launch at fosters im out of coos bay but my nephew lives in corvallis hes 12ive been wanting to get up there but im not sure were to launch at? do you launch at andrew willey park? he got his first steelhead when he was down at thanksgiving and now he is hooked.
deejay said:
so were exactly do you launch at fosters im out of coos bay but my nephew lives in corvallis hes 12ive been wanting to get up there but im not sure were to launch at? do you launch at andrew willey park? he got his first steelhead when he was down at thanksgiving and now he is hooked.

Yes, launch at Andrew Wiley, and the take out is at Pleasant Valley Rd which is the same as 2nd St. in Sweet Home. The boat ramp for taking out is next to the water treatment plant. That will give you about 4 river miles of drift.
Niceeee fish. I just got back from southern California and want sooo badly to hit the river but it's gonna have to wait until nextsunday :( but then there willbe another white boat out there :)
JeannaJigs said:
Niceeee fish. I just got back from southern California and want sooo badly to hit the river but it's gonna have to wait until nextsunday :( but then there willbe another white boat out there :)

Welcome home Jeanna! By the time you get back on the water,the fish won't stand a chance! lol
There will be a WHITE boat on the river tomorrow...Probably put in at Waterloo in the morning,fish that a while,then take out,run up and do the town drift...Fishing report tomorrow night..
Santiam338 said:
There will be a WHITE boat on the river tomorrow...Probably put in at Waterloo in the morning,fish that a while,then take out,run up and do the town drift...Fishing report tomorrow night..

I'll be looking for your report. I'll be tryin to make my own wednessday, but Its hard for me to pull away from the north. I've heard from a few different people that there has been a decent amount of people fishing up at the hatchery so far. But havent heard of too many fish being caught just yet. tight lines bro.
Never hit a fish yesterday and we fished it hard...Worked the Waterloo hole from daylight till 11 or so.then pullled out and did the town drift....Long day on the water with nothing to show for it...The river was on the rise though and raised a foot yesterday which I am sure wasn't good...Those core guys sure play with the dam a lot..
Yea for whatever reason, they seem to have lock jaw lately. Usually April is one of my most productive months. I've only been out 3 or 4 times, but only have one fish to show for it. They have re run fish 3 times now I think. Honestly, I'm just excited for springers! Kinda tired of steelhead, got enough of those this winter. End of next week is gonna be good!!!
Santiam338 said:
...Those core guys sure play with the dam a lot..

A LOT! It gets very annoying. You wait all week then the weekend comes and they blow out the river Friday night!
I think someone put some skunk scent gluv-it on the bottom of my boat... when Im on the river, nobody catches a thing!!!! Score -1 for the Green boats.
It's a white boat conspiracy, perhaps...
Combat Chuck said:
I think someone put some skunk scent gluv-it on the bottom of my boat... when Im on the river, nobody catches a thing!!!! Score -1 for the Green boats.

I can attest to that...Put in about the same time as Chuck and seen him off and on down the river...Didn't hit a fish...Had to be Chuck...LOL

Got a interesting story on the river the same day though...Saved a guys fish and possibly his life when he waded down the river after a fish and went just a bit to far in the fast and ever deepening water..

No time now though..
Or you could have someone say they're sending you eggs, and then never get them the entire month before you're physically incapable to fish ;)

The culprit should be drawn and quartered!!!

The culprit should be drawn and quartered!!!

Now see,that right there would be an automatic penalty of castration in a public place! :mad: That is just totally wrong! :( Especially if they were supposed to be top quality and nearly guaranteed to catch fish...and most definitely if they were already paid for! :protest: That would be castration plus yanking out all eye lashes and nose hairs! :mad: Glad I didn't promise any eggs...

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