Skunked on the Clack.

Fished below Dog creek from 6:30-12:00. Saw one other fisherman and two kayakers. Saw plenty of fish, probably around 40-50 steelhead and salmon breeched or surfaced. Frustrating to say the least, tried spinners, bobber and jig, and even tossed around my 8/9wt.

I did manage to snag the largest largescale sucker in my life. Must have been almost 4lbs. I got hung up on a rock, managed to pull it free and then there was a fish on my line. Got him right in the back. Put up an odd fight. It was 22-24" long, I didn't know they got that huge.
That many fish swimming around and not chompin your hook is frustrating to say the least... sparse - thin patterns. Did a steelhead a few weeks ago on a red jig with about 3-4 pieces of marabou on it, was so thin you can see the hook shank from every angle. Guy fishing with me had no luck with his enormous patterns. Just a thought.. Good luck.
I've had the same experiance there. If you cross dog creek there is a deep channel shortly after that they hold tight to the side of. I've seen 15 steelhead stacked up there and tried putting everything in front of them to the point of almost bonking them in the face and still nothing. Very frustraiting indeed.
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