Siuslaw steelhead

im taking a very good older buddy out that hasnt fished in years but has fished prior. he is elderly and doesn't have much time left and all i want is to hook him into a steelie i know how to catch em but havent fished siuslaw much. if anyone could help me on a good spot so i can hook one and pass the rod to him i would greatly appreciate it. i got all the gear from jigs to plugs and can fish all techniques well so any area for a fish i feel confident thanks offers you all help a lot....

tight lines...
fishfinatic said:
im taking a very good older buddy out that hasnt fished in years but has fished prior. he is elderly and doesn't have much time left and all i want is to hook him into a steelie i know how to catch em but havent fished siuslaw much. if anyone could help me on a good spot so i can hook one and pass the rod to him i would greatly appreciate it. i got all the gear from jigs to plugs and can fish all techniques well so any area for a fish i feel confident thanks offers you all help a lot....

tight lines...

You could try stagecoach it seems to have quite a bit of easy bank access for your friend. You are doing a good thing and I hope you hook up.
lake creek and fish at green creek. Easy access and there are fish.
Good luck..:D
what they said... id check out above stage coach holes are kinda hidden but theres fish up there
hey thanks a lot guys i think ill go scout it out the next couple days and find some fish. you guys think it ill be any good by whittaker
get there early, combat fishing is going on right now some poeple sleep in there cars but there will def. be fish up there heard some good words this week from friends. good luck
also heard most bites were on plugs. and also orange corkie and yarn while drift fishing ( tip dip it in ur roe, the yarn soaks it up and flavors it for multiple casts) ready for the quick bite
siuslaw weekend report

siuslaw weekend report

never fished that river before but yesterday and today i felt like i have fished it for years. i was on the side where whittaker creek starts and caught three within an hour of fishing, two of which i allowed my older buddy reel in. you should have seen the look on his face when this native fish bolted down stream around a hundred yards than bolted back up so fast he couldnt keep up with the slack.:) overall i didn't see anyone else get into any but i do believe i have a method to my madness that very few no about and when all else fails i can always get a fish.:cool:
o and by the way thanks to all who gave me the pointers on where to go it helped a lot
Nice man! Good day for both of ya!
fishfinatic said:
never fished that river before but yesterday and today i felt like i have fished it for years. i was on the side where whittaker creek starts and caught three within an hour of fishing, two of which i allowed my older buddy reel in. you should have seen the look on his face when this native fish bolted down stream around a hundred yards than bolted back up so fast he couldnt keep up with the slack.:) overall i didn't see anyone else get into any but i do believe i have a method to my madness that very few no about and when all else fails i can always get a fish.:cool:

Sweet man! What's your method???:think:
Paying it forward...

Paying it forward...

That is almost as exciting as getting a child into fish and so honorable! Thank you for helping the older generation. :clap: I can imagine the fun watching him in action again. Soo cool!
what method did you find works?.....defenitly a couple favorites for that river, funny how lake crk and the slaw are the same but different in the way that i fish them
if i told everyone my method it wouldnt be my little secret anymore. those fish just need the right presentation for any method. i hooked five landed four and used several different methods you just gotta be persistent and hit the drift just right. ill tell you guys this, it sure was nice being the only guy on the water hooking fish. after i got two i had a swarm of folks asking the same thing. i just told them you gotta think like a fish to catch a fish.:D im going out tomorrow if anyone is gonna be there i hope to see ya
great job on an even greater good deed.

I keep meaning to fish the siuslaw, it's been my favorite river since I was a kid, but I get kinda bad anxiety when there's so many people out, and lately my anxiety has been no good, so i'm just not sure about combat fishing. I drove that direction recently at 5 am, and there were trailers already lined up and probably 15 or so bank anglers already claiming spots....That's not the kinda fishing i want to do for a hatchery fish.
JeannaJigs said:
great job on an even greater good deed.

I keep meaning to fish the siuslaw, it's been my favorite river since I was a kid, but I get kinda bad anxiety when there's so many people out, and lately my anxiety has been no good, so i'm just not sure about combat fishing. I drove that direction recently at 5 am, and there were trailers already lined up and probably 15 or so bank anglers already claiming spots....That's not the kinda fishing i want to do for a hatchery fish.

It's crazy. I've fished the Slaw my whole life as well and I'm really starting to get frustrated by the crowds. I can rember fishing with my grandpa 20 years ago and maybe seeing 5-8 boats the whole day on a weekend. I went today and still there were over 20 boats on the water, on a MONDAY! Even Wildcat to Lindlslaw is getting crazy. It's getting hard fishing the central Oregon coast. The Umpqua, Siuslaw, and the Alsea are the only three rivers close to Eugene and Springfield that hold a good hatchery run anymore.

I feel the same when it comes to anxiety and crowds but the Slaw is fishing good this year when you can get a spot.

Tight lines.
I hear ya. The last three times out I have fished only two hours around the crowds and all three times drove to smaller water with no one around. I have been lucky to find fish in those places but even if I didn't I would be happy fishing beautiful water all by myself! :)
steelhead_stalkers said:
I hear ya. The last three times out I have fished only two hours around the crowds and all three times drove to smaller water with no one around. I have been lucky to find fish in those places but even if I didn't I would be happy fishing beautiful water all by myself! :)

Thats what I ended up doing Sunday and today. The tributary I went to Sunday was perfect, low but green with fish holding where you couldn't see bottom. The one I went to today was too low, no fish holding there today. I think I'm going to start heading down south and fishing some of the systems there.
what are your plans for the weekend? i finally have a few days to fish again and would like some company.
plumb2fish said:
what are your plans for the weekend? i finally have a few days to fish again and would like some company.

No plans but no money also. From the weather forcast it looks like its going to be wet. I might get paid early if I ask and Sunday looks good but where do you want to go? The Slaw will be PACKED to the brim with fishermen but I'm down with going somewhere else.

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