Siuslaw status

Did anyone on here do the whittaker cr to wildcat float today? I'm thinking of running it tomorrow but I want to know what the river conditions were first, I see it's low and should drop to around 5...I'm concerned about that little chute towards the end, haven't ever ran it or seen it for that matter, below 7 so I just want to know....
The river should be a little higher than 5. You should be fine, I've been through with 2 big guys in my boat when its 4.5. A little bumpy but nothing to worry about. Might even see you there.
Sweet good to know. Just got my boat in November, so it's been a strange transition from the bank to the boat..never had to give the river level much thought before lol. I'm probably goin' it solo with my dog unless my friend changes his mind again and decides to retract his cancellation, and my boat is fiberglass and sits pretty high, so I shouldn't have issues...i hope lol.
I fished from the bank yesterday and hooked two and lost both of them. I run that stretch quite a lot and I wont run it below 5'. I prefer to fish it from 7-9 but anywhere between 5-9 is good. bring lots of hooks and slinkies at this level though.. every hole in the river turns into a huge snag below 6' which is where it was yesterday. should be around 5.9 today. hope you catch some fish, it was REALLY slow yesterday. by mid week a person should be able to start fishing from Connie landing to Tide. that stretch fishes best from about 5.5 down to 4.8. that run is only tricky in one spot called Red Hill behind the old mill. If you have never been on that run, I dont recomend doing it without someone who has rowed through there before.
Time for me to get out there. Its almost low enough to float fish and not have to deal with a million fisherman. It can be very productive!
went down today bounced off a few rocks but bad.great day of fishing but bad day catching,heard of one caught . have fun
dont forget crossing rapids once you leave the railroad hole in lower levels that shark tooth in the center of the river can make or a serious orifice pucker if you hit it.

crusty old fisherman said:
dont forget crossing rapids once you leave the railroad hole in lower levels that shark tooth in the center of the river can make or a serious orifice pucker if you hit it.

where is this railroad hole? I have never heard of it..
the railroad hole is the long flat hole just below redhill rapids that drops ya out by the guard rail crossing .
there is a roll over ledge down there with about a 3 foot pour off tons of water going over it and a big standing wave right in the middle of it,,, the srock is right were that standing waave curls when the water gets down below 5 ft

steelhead_stalkers said:
Time for me to get out there. Its almost low enough to float fish and not have to deal with a million fisherman. It can be very productive!
Do it today the rains on its way. I drifted from Wildcat to Lindslaw with one takedown on a plug that didn't stick. I was 1 of 2 boats form Wildcat down. Water was clear as the Siuslaw gets this time of year. I might go again after the rain but I've been catching so many more fish out of the Umpqua that I think I'll call it good on the Slaw. I've got enough hatchry fish tagged that I don't mind catching natives for the rest of the season till the springers get there.
crusty old fisherman said:
the railroad hole is the long flat hole just below redhill rapids that drops ya out by the guard rail crossing .
there is a roll over ledge down there with about a 3 foot pour off tons of water going over it and a big standing wave right in the middle of it,,, the srock is right were that standing waave curls when the water gets down below 5 ft

I know the spot, just never heard it called that before.. I always just refer to both drops in that stretch as RED HILL. There is several really good fish holding pockets in that area, but no good when the water is up.. That is why I told Jeannajigs it is a bad idea to float it without going through there with someone that has rowed it before.. Can be very tricky if you get to far from the bank in that lower rapid..... as you clearly know..tight lines and good luck to all on all your fishing adventures. Stay safe.

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