Simple is best.....

My wife drew first blood today for the springers.
I go out and buy a case of herring and a case of prawns
for the season. We go out this morning and... she does not like to use herring or prawns and puts on a thinfish wobbler.
BAM... 20# clipped Chinook..
She scored first blood for this season. I knew I should have stayed with hardware <G>
Congratulations Taku's wife!

Congratulations Taku's wife!

Tell your wife I said "Way to go!" and be sure to have her along next time. Not that she will let you go off without her now. Think of it as your wife clearing away all the heebie jeebies for you to land that honkin' 27 pounder!
By the way, welcome to the forum. You seem to be fitting right in and are doing a great job with your posts. Well,except for the missing pictures...we love pictures,you know. Get back out there and bonk,bonk,bonk. Be safe.


Very cool post, nice to hear. Welcome to OFF - look forward to your post. Thumbs up to your wife...bragging rights last all year long :):cool:

Very cool post, nice to hear. Welcome to OFF - look forward to your post. Thumbs up to your wife...bragging rights last all year long :):cool:


Oh yeah and I'll be reminded all year long about my paying a couple hundred for all the bait and her catch on a $5 lure.
Was good to see the adrenalin in her expression though when we went from 14 ft of water to 6 ft and she realized it wasn't the bottom...:-)
Tell your wife I said "Way to go!" and be sure to have her along next time. Not that she will let you go off without her now. Think of it as your wife clearing away all the heebie jeebies for you to land that honkin' 27 pounder!
By the way, welcome to the forum. You seem to be fitting right in and are doing a great job with your posts. Well,except for the missing pictures...we love pictures,you know. Get back out there and bonk,bonk,bonk. Be safe.

Pics huh... ok ok

We used to get a lot of 25 to 45 lb fish there. Seems they are all small now.
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Lil minnow

Lil minnow

Pics huh... ok ok

We used to get a lot of 25 to 45 lb fish there. Seems they are all small now.

Thank you for the pic. :clap: Yeah, I would have tossed that lil minnow back...NOT! :D :naughty: :lol:
Be safe.
I agree simple is best, nice little cookie cutter! Tell her good job!

Having it for dinner tonight, and so are the kids and grandkids.
Still enough left for more steaks tomorrow and a roast.

Spent all day today from 5:30 am (or zero dark thirty) till 4:30 this afternoon and NADA. The bankers looked like they may have caught a couple, but nothing in the boats where we were.
I think I was that last die hard troller out there this afternoon.
What a WET MISERABLE DAY, but enjoyed the hypothermia and all anyway.

Fished all day on an outgoing tide.
I think that and the low pressure front killed the fishing for today.
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