Siletz river

So i spent the day with my pa and a good buddy out on the siletz river today. Only one fish caught but i believe this run is just startin. Could be wrong about that, but i've never fished it for steel before. I'll be goin back though! Beautiful river, and very few people. My buddy got his fish just above the bridge in some really shallow water.Got it on his own spinner, silver and pink. If you havent fished this river, the bridge is up above moonshine park a few miles. Sorry, no pics of the fish, but it was about 6/7# and as chrome as could be! I'll try to keep OFF updated on the Siletz, as i plan on fishin it quite a bit.
Beautiful river

Beautiful river

Thanks for the report on another beautiful river. Two years ago my son and I watched a boat with four fisher folk in it reel in six big chrome beauties. It was down by Coyote something or other. I have never fished at Moonstruck,but then,I've never caught anything in the Siletz,either. Please do keep us all posted on the run,who knows? you may meet a bunch of new fishing buddies.
Be safe.
The best fishing in there for summer metal has come and gone, the better action now will be closer to the trap...Nice job on the fish!
so where is the trap sir?
sawgunner said:
so where is the trap sir?

up the river a bit but not all the way.:rolleyes:Ok not that funny. The trap is just below the falls...big help I know...I think it is about 8or nin....hey look a fly....think I'll go fishing. Enough clowning around, its above moonshine park about...hey you kids give the nieghbor lady back her bikini top in a couple of understand me?!:mad: What were we talking about? Oh ya, going fishing at the trap on the siletz this weekend, you comming?...Maybe if I gave you directions. Its like nine miles above moonshine, telling someone how to get there is kinda difficult if you haven't been there before. I would get on Google earth and back track from the falls until you find moonshine then write down the directions from moonshine up, really nice water in there, I'll be on the santiams this weekend...Good luck!
Went to the Siletz, from Moonshine Park on up , Somebody at every spot . Did
NOT see any body with a fish , nothing jumping, threw every thing at them. a long drive for nothing
Sounds like my day on the North Fork of the Santiam. Sorry you came home empty handed, but I hope you had SOME fun. A day on the Siletz beats a day in the office. Hope you have better luck next time,
18406ej said:
Sounds like my day on the North Fork of the Santiam. Sorry you came home empty handed, but I hope you had SOME fun. A day on the Siletz beats a day in the office. Hope you have better luck next time,

I lost about a 12 pounder while fishing with Arctic Ameoba yesterday, they aren't that hard, just use pink. On the Siletz it's a first hour, last hour thing in the deeper holes until the fall rains show up and then the summers in thier become verry aggresive, and will destroy a spinner if it's even close to them.
I drove past Mill City on my way from Packsaddle to Fisherman's Bend, as it looked busy. Had a good time, but I need to get on the wagon and order up some QUALITY gear from you.
18406ej said:
I drove past Mill City on my way from Packsaddle to Fisherman's Bend, as it looked busy. Had a good time, but I need to get on the wagon and order up some QUALITY gear from you.

You probably want to wait until august. We will be adjusting prices, and putting up the new website, making the site more interactive and help you select what will work best in the systems you intend to fish, and we will be introducing some new products for this fall that will help you kill more fish!
Where is the Siletz Located and how far away of a drive is it from Gresham?
thanks for the info kodiak
Troutier Bassier said:
Where is the Siletz Located and how far away of a drive is it from Gresham?

It's got to be like 85-100 miles.
Troutier Bassier said:
Where is the Siletz Located and how far away of a drive is it from Gresham?

East of newport about 20 the town of siletz.
I've been getting reports that the Siletz isn't worth the drive....
Siletz will get good again in october when the rains begin to show up, right now the wter is warm and the fish are in hide and survive mode.
anyone catch or have any idea how the siletz might be this year for fall chinook??
I have an idea that the run is gonna suck.
Wild coho will be fun catch and release though! :)
Typically the Siletz is an earlier fihsery with the largest bucks of the year showing the third week of August to the second week of sept. Right now all the action is from duck point to ballard acres, with spinner producing the majority of the fish, and herring follwing close behind. Remember current regs are 1 adult a day, 2 total from that system /day. As far as the coho question is conserned, the Siletz is a managment unit that is used as a indicator for the entire coast, and with a bunch of estimated non factual B.S. odfw can keep thier numbers on that river higher on the spawning grounds and there by not have to actually work.
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i have caught some really nice chinooks at ballard acres, 1 day a 40 lb. and the next day 42 lb. this was 2 yrs ago, and i been skunked are so right about siletz is a 3rd week in august to mid sept., what do you think of brad's wobblers?
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