Shroeder county park

Hey guys, Im going down to grants pass to visit some friends for memorial day. Their house borders shroeder county park on the rogue, was just curious if it would be worth plunking for some steelies right now. Not very familiar with the sw oregon runs. Also could walk the banks with some spinners or float/jig setups. Is it worth the time right now. I hear so much about the mighty rogue river fishing, that I just have to be a part of it while im down there. Thanks for any help
Fish that run frequently, go all the way up to the 'top' and fish down. River's running 'high,' and likely to stay that way till August (USGS Real-Time Water Data for USGS 14361500 ROGUE RIVER AT GRANTS PASS, OR). If you're on the 'Park Side' chuck to the far bank into the deeper water; with the water running this high, where the fish will be is 'your guess is as good as mine.' But target the deeper/slower water for Spring Kings.

Plunking will be a waste of time; look for holding/moving fish. And it IS worth your time and effort.
Just my .02 cents.

Thanks freda, when you say all the way up, are you talking top of the park or getting into downtown gp. Im really excited now anyway. Ive been trying to research it quite a bit, but its been hard getting information. You would think my buddy could tell me but he doesn't fish very often. How do you have river front property on the Rogue and not fish. I went down there last year and called in some turkeys, no gun, to expensive for out of state license. Sure was cool though. Just found the first blm fence i could find and started hiking up the road. Hopefully i'll have the same luck with some fish, non resident license for fish is much more affordable
Thanks freda, when you say all the way up, are you talking top of the park or getting into downtown gp. Im really excited now anyway. Ive been trying to research it quite a bit, but its been hard getting information. You would think my buddy could tell me but he doesn't fish very often. How do you have river front property on the Rogue and not fish. I went down there last year and called in some turkeys, no gun, to expensive for out of state license. Sure was cool though. Just found the first blm fence i could find and started hiking up the road. Hopefully i'll have the same luck with some fish, non resident license for fish is much more affordable

Name is Fred A Evans, but everywhere on the Internet (fishing boards) it's always fredaevans; far less to remember. Even the Brit's tweek my nose with "Freda." Freda Evans was a prominate actriss (sp?) 'over there.'

Still not sure what side of the river you'll be fishing; park side/home side. 'Slot' is against the far bank/house side; if you're on the 'house side' of the river it's right below your feet. From that side of the river (house) a 15 foot cast in this high water is probably too far; and you could 'plunk' but not too sure how productive that may be.

Say that as I'm 99.999% a 2-hander fluff chucker; wiser minds than mine will have to "wade in" (Oooo, couldn't resist that bad pun) on the effectiveness of that type of equipment.
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sorry fred! They literally live right next to the park. Down river. when i walk their dogs we walk off their lawn and onto the park boat ramp. The opposite side of the river has no houses if i remember right. I was only thinking plunking because I didn't know how easy it would be to manuever up and down those banks. Never even really done it just thoought i might be able to get lucky in some of those deeper pockets of water if i just left a spin n glo in the hole. Would much rather "hunt" fish than sit and wait.
:>) Not to worry about 'the name;' no offence intended, none taken. fae

Know exactly what house you're talking about. For holding water Salmon prefer deep and slow so the water at the top end is not where you're likely to find same at the moment, save for fish moving through. With 'lower water' Fall Kings will hold just above the tail out at the top end (above the Park there are seveal homes on this side of the river; high bank cuts you off from moving much further up stream unless you're one hell of a wader .. which at 69 I'm not).

If 'plunking' is the name of the game I think your right about a big spin & glow with a BIG blob of eggs below. Fluff chucking would probably be ... :>(

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I'm not familiar with that stretch of river at all, but with this high water the fish are going to be tight to the bank and not stopping. Your best bet would probably be plunking just like you said. You'll want to fish water 5-8ft deep and preferably an inside turn of a gravel bar. It's all springers right now with a few downriver steelhead around.

If you've got some time and can get away head to the upper river. The Gold Nugget wayside / Hayes Falls is always a good bet and it's just above the town of Gold Hill.
Any update on this spot? If you were to bank fish right now, what would be best to throw at 'em?


With conventional gear: (Plunking) Eggs behind a big wing bobber of some sort. Drift gear=eggs and a nickle sized corkie. With fly gear I'd skip using a two-hander and pick an 8 or 9 wt one-hander with a 300 grain Teeny Nymph line. For a fly a black body with a chartruce hackle.
Well like i said, i'll be staying on the river for about five days, so im going to through the whole book at em. Im a little intimidated about the spring chinook thing. I hope my summer steelhead gear will hold up. Ive never really fished for chinook on a river, usually just buoy 10. I guess if i hook into something i will just work, work, and work him some more. Maybe some spinners, maybe some float set ups and maybe some plunking.
Well like i said, i'll be staying on the river for about five days, so im going to through the whole book at em. Im a little intimidated about the spring chinook thing. I hope my summer steelhead gear will hold up. Ive never really fished for chinook on a river, usually just buoy 10. I guess if i hook into something i will just work, work, and work him some more. Maybe some spinners, maybe some float set ups and maybe some plunking.

I'm in the same boat lol...not sure how to work these chinooks :think:
Sounds like high water and the fish will be cutting the inside curve of river bends. How has the run been so far this season in this part of the Rogue?
Sounds like high water and the fish will be cutting the inside curve of river bends. How has the run been so far this season in this part of the Rogue?

With the high water since early March it's been pretty much a bust. There have been some fish taken by plunkers, but it's never been hot. All the action is in the Upper River right now which has really turned on the last couple of days.
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