Shore/jetty fishing while staying at Beverly Beach

Heading to BBSP this weekend, got a coupla questions:

1) Where's the nearest place where I could go watch the surf and/or jetty fisherman and just observe ?

2) If I were to want to fish along with the rest, what would I need to bring ? I have a steelhead/salmon spinning rod (Med-Heavy, 10-30 # rated 9' rod) and could effort hooks and sinkers as appropriate.

Ideal would be walking from the campsite/park.
Just a few short miles away, is Agate Beach. If perch are what your after; it has a good rep from the old Fishing & Hunting newspaper.

Your heavy gear, is what old timers use (and what is recommended, on the ODFW site). They also fling heavy 3 - 6 oz. pyramid sinkers. I say no way...try it this way instead!

We've been to Agate Beach, I can probably talk my way into a little hall pass. I don't see any reason why I can't try that with stuff I already have. We'll see if I can dig it all out tomorrow before we leave. Thanks as always for the good advice.

I presume you'd treat these guys as sort of a pan fish ? Or would you do the full filet routine ? #totallyignorantbutwillingtolearn
Perch are great slashed and baked whole.

Also, I have this guy's book, got it on amazon kindle store for like $1.99 or $2.99.

After reading through it I wasn't unhappy, although frankly if you can drift for steelhead and stuff, you don't need to know too much else except what kind of water to look for.

I found it kind of interesting that the guy in the video is using what looks to be a 8'6" or 10' rod and probably 2 oz of weight, which is borderline on the whole "light tackle" thing.. Although I really like the slider+leader method more than the triple-swivel setup - that just seems to twist into crap often enough that it's frustrating.
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I didn't get to try it in the surf. When we were checking in, I mentioned surf fishing and the ranger said I could go right off the beach at the park. I was incredulous, but he said he had just had to research and get confirmation from ODFW the week before. So I got up and headed for the beach just at high tide, figuring to follow the tide on its way out, per the video.

Great big "fishing prohibited" sign at the beach. Crap.

By this time, Mrs. Pin wanted to head to town for lunch. Scouted out the south jetty, it was now about 2pm and the tide was on its way out. So I took the rig from the video and just plunked it off the rocks leading to the parking lot. A fellow was packing up and said he didn't get anything but that someone near him got 3 rockfish. I felt a number of bumps and had one fish on the line briefly. I think a #2 hook was too big for whatever was there, which may have just been a crap pulling on my rubber sand worm. A single 3/4 egg sinker held fine.

But yeah I would much rather use this setup than get all twisted up with two hooks and a dropper.

Gonna regroup for two weeks out and try again off that jetty, maybe the beach itself. Looks like there are depressions visible at low tide that pretty well match up with where the trails come from the campground out to the beach.

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