Shore fishing pics

So for those of us that don't have boat access or prefer to shore fish ... let's see some pics of those big ones you've caught off the shore or bank! I haven't had much luck catching big ones and would like to see who has and where. Location and tackle would be very helpful. Thanks! Keep fishin!!!

Sandy. Eggs and bobber. Two weeks ago.
Wowsers! Those are some Big fish.
Shore fishing pics

Very nice! See ... I knew they were out there. I just have to find them now. Just needed some motivation. Thanks guys!!!
Shore fishing pics

Didn't have anyone around to take a pic of me, but here is a pic of me holding this 14" fat Rainbow I caught a Hagg Lake this morning. Finally! I caught a good sized fish.

My best one so far, at Oxbow Park on the Sandy:
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