Shad tomorrow @ Chinook Landing !!

Taking off @ 7:30am to kill some shad with my buddy on his big blue boat (The Bloody Hooker). Gonna be using some Dick Nites. Does anyone know if these shad hit wedding ring lures? Peace
I went out for them today in front of Clackamette Park with my dad and girlfriend. We caught a few, didn't see too many caught either. About halfway through the day I'm pretty sure I hooked into a Springer. It tore off about 200 yds of line and put up a great fight then spit my hook. Also most of the Shad I saw caught today were about half the size of the Shad I've ever seen. One my girlfriend caught must've barely been 12 inches.
Well we're going to be up on the Columbia so I hope we get some better results. Glad to here they are in the Clack system already. Hope you're doing well Beaverfan. I got to get out to kill some trout at commonwealth with you soon.
Screw that lets get out to a stream! So much more fun! (but if you really want to got to commonwealth I guess I'm down:dance: )
Oh yea I read your post about Vernonia...Ive got my waders so Id definitely be down to do some stream hiking with you.
Shad are definitely here folks. The boat I was on pulled in over 100 in a span of Id say 6 hours between 5 fisherman 2 of which were kids. It was insane non-stop action I also pulled in a native jack on a dick nite...Too beautiful and too much fun.
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Well Well Well. Shinook Landing Eh???

I wanted to go there yesterday but NOO my friend dident want to. so we waster our time at salish. what a disapointment.
So over 100? Not bad. for this early in the season. My dad said he would take me and my friend next week. but anyways. About that jack. So a jack is a small salmon right??? or one that hasnt been to the ocean? How were you fishing wit dick nites???
Ok as for the Jack they are Male Salmon that acheive maturity too early. They do go to the ocean but they come back too soon. 24 inches is the cutoff for adults. As for the Dick Nite's....Brass with Red Trim all day small size I believe.
Back bouncing with 6 oz cannonballs. Just let your line hit bottom then slowly lift the weight and let the current bounce your weight back as you slowly release line. We used salmon spreaders and 80lb braid with 20lb leaders. Now for the kicker and a huge secret Im giving everyone....We used Spin N Glo's as Fish flashers. just the bodies 4-5 feet up the line with barrel swivels :-) Good Luck with these slimers. They are fun but damn they stink. lol.
im sure it happened a couple times but not a lot. I think the spin n glos just bring the fish in then they strike the dick nite.
A spin and glow makes sense since a lot of these lures are tiny, and it would seem the shad would almost have to bump into them to find them.

It sounds like it's time.


well yesterday they hit 30 thousand so I would say in ten days they will easily be in the 50000. I went out yesterday and got twenty it was a good day the sun burn wasn't fun but the rest of it was a blast.
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