September fishing - advice...

Where is a good place to shore fish in September? What is biting? Bait?

We usually fish below Detroit Dam on the river. We had been fishing on Detroit Lake by the Transportation storage facility a few weeks ago and NOTHING bit.

Thanks for any advice.

Welcome to the forum!

You'll have some difficulty this time of year. Just like us, trout become lethargic in warm water. But, if you can find some cooler / deeper pockets (like OFF of the point by the Transportation facility); you will improve your chances.

Areas where cooler mountain water comes in, will also be better bets. I'd try where the N. Fork flows into the lake; or the Brietenbush arm (up high where the river flows in, and there are deep drop OFFS).

The fish will hang in the deeper / cooler water, and move quickly up and into the faster flow for food (and then drop back into their deeper holding positions). Good luck.
Thanks! So if you were fishing off shore by the transportation facility, would you go down under the bridge where the water comes down or cast out into the middle or past the weeks directly in front of the transportation facility. I'm not familiar with the depth of the lake on this side. Does it drop down in pockets through the channel or do you need to cast out more.

Thanks for getting back to me right away.

Hi Cheri,

You're welcome.

Under the bridge is not a bad idea, as that creek water will be cooler. So, it's worth a try.

My buddies and I were there in a boat in June. The trout were everywhere...literally. We even found them next to the bank in only 4' of water. But, most were schooled up in a 30' deep pocket.

To find that pocket, walk out past the transportation site/lot. Go almost to the end of the point. Then, slip down to the creek side. Cast out to the east about 100 - 150 feet, and you should find that deep pocket. There should be some trout in there.

We did the best, by floating Power Eggs OFF the bottom, with the standard slip sinker set up. Casting from the bank, I'd use at least 1/2 ounce sinker so you can get out to the pocket.

Tight lines,

Hey folks!

Late response here but I'm doing some research for a Labor Day fishing trip this year from 8/31 - 9/2 there at Detroit Lake. Quick question - where is the transportation facility? I'm trying to spot it on Google Maps but am having a hard time. Any help would be great.

Also, I'm conflicted as to where and when to spend my time! I love fly & spinner fishing, so I'm thinking the Santium should be great for that, and there's even a little bass pond at the campground I'll be staying at. Decisions decisions. Any advice about the area in general that time of year?

Many thanks!

EDIT: Is this the place?,+-122.135869&aq=&sll=44.719295,-122.188911&sspn=0.08331,0.180759&vpsrc=0&ie=UTF8&ll=44.727046,-122.136267&spn=0.010351,0.022595&t=h&z=16&iwloc=A
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PG, that's NOT the Transportation facility. It's BEFORE Detroit State Park, and BEFORE the FS Station on Hwy. 22, and on the lake side of the road.

I'll try and find it, when I have more time later and send the coordinates.
That would be great, man. Thanks! I'm using a little time off to plan for a trip this 8/31 - 9/2 and am casing out the joint. ;-) Still not sure if I'll end up on the lake or the Santiam. It will probably depend on conditions/action at the time, but I'm trying to get a feel for what's out there on a good day.

Thanks for your help!
Hey, don't forget about fishing the Brietenbush River arm too. Might be good for fly fishing up there in Sept.

I cannot figure out how to do the "coordinate" data, on Google Maps. So, here is the scoop in nouns n' verbs.

The transpo facility, is on the south side of where Tumble Creek flows into the lake. As you are traveling towards the town of Detroit (on Hwy. 22), take the last right BEFORE the Tumble Creek Bridge. IDK if you can park right there. But, you may be able to park along the road (or on the other side of the Hwy.). Fish OFF of either of those points, and you'll do well. I C & R'd 30+ truck trout in a day there last June.

Again, Tumble Creek is BEFORE the State Park and/or the Ranger Station. If you see either of need to turn around and head back in the direction of the dam.
Perfect Pinky; you got the exact spot for the transpo facility. Fishing in that Tumble Creek inlet is HOT (at least it was for me last June).

You're welcome, and good luck.
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