See about some Hagg

New member here. Going to Hagg this morning, weather permitting. And if the fiance can get a handle on her hangover. Don't think I want to get rained on too heavily but if it is just cold that's okay. I understand it's still pretty cold for the bass. Going to try to work them real slow with senkos and try casting a jig and a few clearance dealies at Bi-Mart the other day so if the soft plastic doesn't work I might change it up and try something new. Will post pictures if I get anything.


Fishing was a bust. Very windy and rainy. Cold! No bites from the trout for my ladyfriend and nothing but a bunch of snags for me fishing for bass. Fished over by boat ramp a on the east side of the lake. There were only 4 or 5 people there total but right as we were wrapping up more people showed up. Sounded like they had been on the other side of the lake for a few hours and got no bites and so they were changing location. Supposedly yesterday a boy about 6 years old brought in a 30" trout on the exact spot we were standing.

At the end I changed lures and decided to throw three or four last casts. On the north side of that boat launch area there is a tiny little cove with a nice drop off and some fallen cover on the far side. I'm sure when the weather warms up people fish the heck out of it. It looked like a great place for some bass to be holding. Anyway on about my third cast right after I let go of the line I hear a pop and a vibration goes through my pole and the line goes limp. My lure goes sailing across the cove, completely overshoots the water and lands in the trees on the far side. Just came right off my line! Never happened before in my life. Teach me to be hasty tying on my lures at the end of the day. If I had gotten a bite on the previous casts that lure would have certainly become property of the fish.
That lure thing happened to me before, but not only my lure went, half my pole went... :shock: Luckily I found it 20 feet to the side... Who knows what happens to this stuff...


Yeah, so if anybody is looking for a free, only slightly used pop-r, go down to Hagg lake today and look up!:dance:
That has happened to me and the top half of my pole still sits 20 feet deep burried in a pile of weeds.:(
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