Santiam at I-5 rest area

Well-known member
So, I decided to check it out was what I have seen it previously, anyway....the pics were taken on my cell so not real was pretty cool though....can't get the video to upload for some reason. anyway....
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Not bad pics for a cell phone. Did you try to fish at all?
Thanks....I actually did wet my line. I knew it wasn't optimal water but what the heck, its all in the fun. Under the bridge there is that bit of a change in the direction of the current and it was moving a lot slower so I just fooled around in that for a bit with a jig....then changed to a pink one...was trying different things out....practice you know...hehe. Well if you go there and kind of off to the right of the bridge there is a downed tree.....on the little branch at the tip is a pretty pink jig...that be mine :dance: I decided to let it float down a bit before I left and wham....that branch jumped out and got it....oh well, cheap store bought... Your probably sorry you asked that simple question, but yes, I did fish. :D
Crazy place...

Crazy place...

That is one crazy place, fished it a few times. The back currents and eddies are amazing. Watch an Osprey pull out three very nice Trout just above the bridge one morning. I hear it is a very nice float to I-5 but know nothing about the lower section.
Thanks for the pictures always a nice slant.

TTFishon said:
Not bad pics for a cell phone. Did you try to fish at all?

What would you be fishing for?

May as well fish in my empty bathtub. :lol:
Mike123 said:
What would you be fishing for?

May as well fish in my empty bathtub. :lol:

Mike123....Isn't it obvious what a person would fish for in a river that is muddy and flowing high? And by the way.....she said she tried fishing there 'cause it was all in the fun; that is, for the fun of it. So what? That comment about you may as well fish in your empty bathtub is a good demonstration of your overall attitude towards others who aren't the expert angler that you are. Get a life.
Lilsalmon, those are pretty good quality pics for a cell phone.

bigfootfish said:
Mike123....Isn't it obvious what a person would fish for in a river that is muddy and flowing high? And by the way.....she said she tried fishing there 'cause it was all in the fun; that is, for the fun of it. So what? That comment about you may as well fish in your empty bathtub is a good demonstration of your overall attitude towards others who aren't the expert angler that you are. Get a life.
Lilsalmon, those are pretty good quality pics for a cell phone.


Well I guess it came across the wrong way, didn't mean anything wrong towards Lilsalmon.. I'm no way near an expert angler.. I just didn't think lilsalmon was on a fishing trip but more of just a trip for fun. I was replying to TTfishon in a non-rude way I though.. just joking around..

No need to get hostile BFF. Who looks like the jerk right now...? Maybe both of us.

Sorry Lilsalmon if I came off the wrong way.
Mike123 said:
What would you be fishing for?

May as well fish in my empty bathtub. :lol:

hmmmm....just answered your private message you sent me and I do believe I said "no worries." Thought you were referring to your reply on the Alsea bad....then I read my thread about the Santiam...damn. Sometimes a person wants to just go out and throw a few to get rid of anger and thoughts of annoying critical people. Thats what I was doing there. I am, by no means, an fact I don't know s**t and I still accept your apology. But if you ever need some advice on anything I might be able to help so you don't have to fish your bathtub so often. Great fishin to you!! ;)
bigfootfish said:
Mike123....Isn't it obvious what a person would fish for in a river that is muddy and flowing high? And by the way.....she said she tried fishing there 'cause it was all in the fun; that is, for the fun of it. So what? That comment about you may as well fish in your empty bathtub is a good demonstration of your overall attitude towards others who aren't the expert angler that you are. Get a life.
Lilsalmon, those are pretty good quality pics for a cell phone.


Thank you BFF...also had a short video but couldnt get it to upload. I just want to fish.
Troutski said:
That is one crazy place, fished it a few times. The back currents and eddies are amazing. Watch an Osprey pull out three very nice Trout just above the bridge one morning. I hear it is a very nice float to I-5 but know nothing about the lower section.
Thanks for the pictures always a nice slant.


and your welcome to you. I would have loved to have seen the osprey. Thats why I fish. I want the big one bad but I have also been to some awesome places and on some beautiful water....that makes it all good....darn steelhead anyway, though...:lol:
lilsalmon said:
and your welcome to you. I would have loved to have seen the osprey. Thats why I fish. I want the big one bad but I have also been to some awesome places and on some beautiful water....that makes it all good....darn steelhead anyway, though...:lol:

I have caught Loads of Steelhead right where you were fishing. I started fishing jigs back in 98 and thats where we fished. I tell you right now i have seen a lot of fish landed at that boat ramp, and at this time of the year. I bet most of you know about SYS jigs made by larry sys ,however i bet almost none of you know that we were buying those jigs out of a barber shop in jefferson 12 years ago.
Water conditions were not optimal, wait for the river to get back into shape, and fish it. You can head upriver to jefferson and catch fish there when the water is hi , jefferson fishes better. I seen summer steelhead caught in febuary , "yes i know the difference" between a winter with a fin, and a summer chrome bullet. If i lived in the valley there is more then one tributary i would be fishing in the next few days.
Mike123 said:
What would you be fishing for?

May as well fish in my empty bathtub. :lol:

Aren't there smallies and trout there? You never know she could of caught a pike minnow. lol
One of my favorites....

One of my favorites....

I have fished the rest area hole dozens of times. Trout,bass,pike minnow,carp and my one and only steelhead were all caught under that bridge,at the boat ramp and about 250 yards past the boat ramp. And I have fished it year round,too. Check the regs though,it gets a lot of traffic from OSP every day. I bought an old canning pot from a thrift store,popped some holes in it and use it as a portable fireplace. I was using it under the bridge with a Duralog and loving it. OSP came by because of the smoke,but said as long as it was contained it was fine. get to warm your tukas once in awhile. Not to mention roasted donut holes...;)
I have a funny story. I actually caught a fish while in the bathtub. my father took me fishing and well we kept our minnows for the next morning (as I walked in he dumped water on me thinking all the minnows where out and he was giving me crap saying I couldn't catch a fish even if it was in the bathtub with me. He was mad because I outfished him using his lures!) so I got in the tub and about 5 minutes later I see a minnow swimming around and I caught it! HA! I'm an expert angler :P
Outdoor_Myers said:
I have a funny story. I actually caught a fish while in the bathtub. my father took me fishing and well we kept our minnows for the next morning (as I walked in he dumped water on me thinking all the minnows where out and he was giving me crap saying I couldn't catch a fish even if it was in the bathtub with me. He was mad because I outfished him using his lures!) so I got in the tub and about 5 minutes later I see a minnow swimming around and I caught it! HA! I'm an expert angler :P

BlackBass said:
I have caught Loads of Steelhead right where you were fishing. I started fishing jigs back in 98 and thats where we fished. I tell you right now i have seen a lot of fish landed at that boat ramp, and at this time of the year. I bet most of you know about SYS jigs made by larry sys ,however i bet almost none of you know that we were buying those jigs out of a barber shop in jefferson 12 years ago.
Water conditions were not optimal, wait for the river to get back into shape, and fish it. You can head upriver to jefferson and catch fish there when the water is hi , jefferson fishes better. I seen summer steelhead caught in febuary , "yes i know the difference" between a winter with a fin, and a summer chrome bullet. If i lived in the valley there is more then one tributary i would be fishing in the next few days.

Thanks for the info and a little history. I actually like Greens bridge in Jefferson....I hear there is a boat ramp somewhere there to that has good fishing. Went to Wirth and Huddleston luck :(
lilsalmon said:
Thanks for the info and a little history. I actually like Greens bridge in Jefferson....I hear there is a boat ramp somewhere there to that has good fishing. Went to Wirth and Huddleston luck :(

The boat ramp is in Jefferson,right by the grocery store . Greens bridge is about 5 miles east of jefferson.
an apology...

an apology...

Mike123 said:
Well I guess it came across the wrong way, didn't mean anything wrong towards Lilsalmon.. I'm no way near an expert angler.. I just didn't think lilsalmon was on a fishing trip but more of just a trip for fun. I was replying to TTfishon in a non-rude way I though.. just joking around..

No need to get hostile BFF. Who looks like the jerk right now...? Maybe both of us.

Sorry Lilsalmon if I came off the wrong way.

Mike123, I want to apologize for my remark to you earlier, here and now in front of everyone. I didn't notice that you quoted TTFishon and that was who you had directed your comment to. I thought you were making fun of another. My bad.
I notice sometimes that unless someone quotes someone else or addresses them by name, then the rest of us sometimes aren't quite sure who is commenting about what was said or asked by someone else. Especially if they are new to OFF. And in my case I even missed that you had quoted TTF. Again I am sorry.
By-the-way, Mike123, I dislike the private message feature. I have mine turned off.

ahhhh were all squared away now....i have fished the rest area with lilsalmon and have had good success she has outfished me plenty of times,,, does need to lower back down though...
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Can we fish now?

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