Sandy River fishing report

Been out twice now to dabney, once on 9/5 and once this morning, both times as early as possible (i.e. gate opens at 6am)

9/5 water was low and fairly clear but still with some color, 5-10 fish rolling around first light then pretty quiet from 7am on. Saw 3 move up over the rapids, one pretty good size. Missed one bite (I think) or could have been a snaggy branch

9/8 water was low and fairly clear but with some color, 2-3 fish rolling around first light then dead quiet on. Only saw 1 fish move up the rapids. No runs, no hits, no errors for me

Both days tried spinners (mepps & blue fox) in various sizes and colors, twitching jigs, bobber & jig and spoons. Hoping things pick up soon, would have thought with the dam counts the way they are the river would be nose-to-tail with fish

tight lines
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What are you targeting?
pcstock said:
What are you targeting?
Chinook/Coho. Probably a tiny bit early for coho, but was catching them in there mid september last year so should be right around the corner
1 for 2 this morning, cookie cutter hatchery coho in the fridge. followed my spinner up to about 15 feet from my legs and took it.

Fish I lost buried like a chinook; wasn't on long, but long enough for me to drop a few curse words
9/12 Snuck in a bit of fishing after work before the wife would miss me..
1 landed and released Tule on the twitching jig and one solid smack on a spinner. Didn't see much for fish movement except 1 big splash down below the bridge
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Socaaron said:
9/12 Snuck in a bit of fishing after work before the wife would miss me..
1 landed and released Tule on the twitching jig and one solid smack on a spinner. Didn't see much for fish movement except 1 big splash down below the bridge
good stuff, I'm going out before work tomorrow. Been throwing my twitching rod a good bit, no takers yet. Hoping it'll pick up this week
Seems like a fall salmon already in Portland area now by your report. Which months usually the peak salmon season of Portland area columbia river?

I’m still new to this state :)
beerheaven said:
Seems like a fall salmon already in Portland area now by your report. Which months usually the peak salmon season of Portland area columbia river?

I’m still new to this state :)
For the portland area rivers, speaking to Clackamas/Sandy mainly, you'll get an early (small) pilot run coming through end of August/early September. Fishing will really start to pickup into September and then through October. The big pushes usually coincide after the first big rain, but fish will move up the river even without the rain. If you go out to some of the choke points/tail outs you can see them moving up river right now sporadically.

The Clackamas is known to have coho still coming through into January, albeit in much lower numbers. To get a sense of when to start putting effort in, I like to use the Bonneville river dam counts. When you see those rise, you know fish are swimming past the Sandy which means fish are also entering the Sandy.

I should also note that I am FAR from the most knowledgeable fisherman on here, so others may chime in with more info and/or corrections to what I posted, which I would welcome!
Thank you for local advice!

By the way, I just moved Portland at last month. However, already I love the people and beautiful nature here :)
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beerheaven said:
Thank you for local advice!

By the way, I just moved Portland at last month. However, already I love the people and beautiful nature here :)
Welcome! one piece of advice someone gave to me that I wish I had received way earlier when I moved here in 2015 was "pick 1 or 2 rivers and learn them really well". That will help you as each river has its own runs, its own holes and pockets, its own behaviors after it rains or when it's hot, etc.

When I first started, I think in the first year I fished the clack, sandy, willamette, wilson, south santiam, trask, deschutes, columbia, etc. I was all over the place and so I never really learned a river. I, in hindsight, was also fishing rivers for Salmon when there weren't even fish in them (like the deschutes in May... no wonder I caught a bunch of bass)
scched said:
"pick 1 or 2 rivers and learn them really well". That will help you as each river has its own runs, its own holes and pockets, its own behaviors after it rains or when it's hot, etc.
I confess I had/Have the same issue.
It's challenging to not run off chasing every report. Personally the Clack should be dead to me.. nothing but frustration. I have NEVER caught a fish even when they're showing. I know it produces but just not for me. That being said I tend to malign the Clack because I have success elsewhere and haven't taken the time to learn it like i should.
I usually limit myself to the Wilson,Sandy,Deschutes
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“pick 1 or 2 rivers and learn them really well"

That’s a really good suggestion. Yes, totally I agree with it. Thank you!👍
I tried Sandy river near Troutdale and coast Lincoln City. However, still my first salmon (life time) is not hook yet, or even not a bite, lol

I hipe at least a one salmon I can get this autumn.
beerheaven said:
I tried Sandy river near Troutdale and coast Lincoln City. However, still my first salmon (life time) is not hook yet, or even not a bite, lol

I hipe at least a one salmon I can get this autumn.
It took me a year to hook my first salmon and another year after that to land my first salmon. Be patient, there’s a long learning curve. You might very well get one quicker than I did, but don’t give up if you don’t!
scched said:
It took me a year to hook my first salmon and another year after that to land my first salmon. Be patient, there’s a long learning curve. You might very well get one quicker than I did, but don’t give up if you don’t!
thanks 😊
Scour youtube for rivers you are interested in. Some people actually name names.😱

Go with a guide or other knowledgeable person, it will speed the learning curve up a ton.

Do you have a boat, kayak, sup?
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I don’t have a boat. i’m fishing from shore.
someone told me that already getting a close to end of fall salmon run season at Sandy river.
Is it true?
beerheaven said:
someone told me that already getting a close to end of fall salmon run season at Sandy river.
Is it true?
No, you still have a month left or so. Move further up the river toward oxbow park and cedar creek hatchery as the season gets later
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you are the master!
i’ll keep still hope😊
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