Salmon Eggs, Spawn Sacs, and Roe

I just want to ask those of you who use salmon eggs how you go about it. First do you use a spawn sac, or do you just thread them on the hook? If you use spawn sacs do you use roe or salmon eggs from a jar? Do you ever mix the two in a spawn sac. How large a spawn sac do you make? Do you use yarn with it? What brands of eggs and roe do you use? D&G are common here, any others? I know many of you would rather use your own roe, but I don't have a supply except for what's in the stores. Is there a brand of roe that any of you like? Is any of the commercial roe any good?

Thanks in advance.
Mike at Oregon Rod Reel and Tackle in Eugene has some great roe! Its the best I have seen for store bought and if I had to use anything other than my own it would be those!
I like spawn sacs personally. They stay on the hook way longer than plain eggs, and the netting gives the fish something to get their teeth caught in. Plus, eggs are expensive when they have to be put on like every 5 casts, and spawn sacs fish 4 times as long.
A good cured egg with fish for a long time. Its all in the drying process! Also a lot of fish we hook on just the skein with maybe one berry left on it. Some days that is all they want so being able to fish your roe until just the skin is left can be very helpful. I like spawn sacks for when there are a million smolts in the river though.
I haven't use a sac but I use fresh home cured roe. Never had a problem with it staying on. Its all about how you put it on and the bait loop. Undercured roe doesn't stay on as long and milks out to quick. Like stalker says fish it till the end. I leave the last remaind on when rebaiting. And do not buy guides choice. It's like it came straight from the fish. Now if you want to learn a bit about curing go buy some guides choice and recure it. Check out mike I have heard mostly good things about him. Just make sure he is going to be there during store hours before you drive all the way over there. kidding.
steelhead_stalkers said:
A good cured egg with fish for a long time. Its all in the drying process! Also a lot of fish we hook on just the skein with maybe one berry left on it. Some days that is all they want so being able to fish your roe until just the skin is left can be very helpful. I like spawn sacks for when there are a million smolts in the river though.

yep , what he said . how ever i do like sacs also . washed out eggs fish just as good as a fresh chunk on the hook . fish em to the end ! D&G ? wellllll . . . . dont use them myself , as there are better ones out there . like your own . sun rise isn't bad if you gotta buy eggs .
I'll use a sack if I have screwed up the cure (too runny and berries not sticking together), or if I have cured singled out eggs. Otherwise I like to put the roe on the hook and then secure it with a bait loop and fish it until all I have is skein.

If I have to buy roe I get what ever Bi-mart or a couple local mini-mart (7-11 type stores) have as there aren't too many choices here in Eastern Oregon for bait.

I have noticed that steelhead prefer a more natural cure and salmon like the chemicals.I have never used a sack but like others have said before me many of my steelhead are caught on the rowworm when Im running eggs.And yes sometimes I have put yarn with my eggs just to make them stand out from others running the same as me.I do know of a person useing borax and seasalt on store bought eggs and they seemed to fish good for him.
Knox gelatin and borax... bam, your done.

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