Rude woman.. what would you do?

I would have whipped it out, showed it to her as I blessed the water (done it before), then tossed some rocks (done it) and maybe leaving a floater (haven't done it, heard of it) then finally let the bear mace go (haven't done it, yet) all the while yelling out obscenities towards them (done it)!


Practiced some of these on the Madison (MT), St. Joe (ID), Owyhee, Rogue, The D, Metolius, Sandy, and wherever it happens next!
I like what you did. I usual swing my fly below people like that and rip it back trying to snag them.
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halibuthitman said:
I do however have a whole case of exploding shotgun rounds from an airport.... hhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm:think::think::think:

we use those here to scare geese off our fields all the time, i loves them
Seriously I would have said "Mam looks like you have a real need to fish this hole." I'd ask her which fly she is using and maybe suggest a better fly for her to try. Then I'd say to her "Mam hope you don't mind if I sit here and smoke my pipe for a while and watch, because after your done I'll be ready to start fishing this hole again. That would just be my way of dealing with the Lady. It just goes against my code to fight with women even over a fishing hole. I've seen enough fighting to last me a life time, now I prefer to enjoy life, fishing, pipe smoking and whiskey sipping. I'm not saying others views are wrong, if your up to going at it with rude women that's OK too. It's just not for me.
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Irishrover said:
Seriously I would have said "Mam looks like you have a real need to fish this hole." I'd ask her which fly she is using and maybe suggest a better fly for her to try. Then I'd say to her "Mam hope you don't mind if I sit her and smoke my pipe for a while and watch, because after your done I'll be ready to start fishing this hole again. That would just be my way of dealing with the Lady. It just goes against my code to fight with women even over a fishing hole. I've seen enough fighting to last me a life time, now I prefer to enjoy life, fishing, pipe smoking and whiskey sipping. I'm not saying others views are wrong, if your up to going at it with rude women that's OK too. It's just not for me.

I readily admit that I wouldn't know a good hole, seam or slot if I were to see it, but I still like standing, casting and thinking more than I like moving around a lot. I don't think I pick good spots to stand either, as everyone else heads up or downstream and catches fish while I stand and think. Still, the very rudest thing I have ever seen while angling was some jerk that was wading downstream, casting every few feet as he traveled. I was out in the river more than far enough for him to politely go behind me, say hi, and keep going. What did he do instead? He just kept on coming, walked about three feet away in front of me as he passed, and then cast literally right over my line so that I had to reel in fast before it tangled with his. I know I had left my Invisibility Cloak at home, therefore the guy was just a plain a--.

I didn't say anything to this man, as nothing I could say would really capture how pissed off and insulted I was that another angler could be so rude. I have no problem at all "sharing" a spot with someone, but when I arrive at the water I ask anyone within 50' if it is okay for me to work near them if they are there first. I will always believe that anyone who asks with courtesy will get whatever they need from me. Barging ones way through a situation will get them nothing.
If you started below the guy close enough to be seen while in the water, you low-holed him and you got what you deserved! He was not the rude one, you were! Lesson learned!!
You need to have at least two things in mind as you approach the water. First, make sure you're not going to spook the fish hovering at the bank and second, look for fishermen above working their way down. Sometimes I'll stay in one spot for awhile especially when I'm practicing my snap T because I suck at it. But if I see someone working down stream then, just like golf, I'll step out and let them play through. Same thing goes for when fishing out of a boat, never anchor up in a drift.:)
FlyBum said:
I would have whipped it out, showed it to her as I blessed the water (done it before)
She probably wouldn't even have noticed. Bahahahahahaha........
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No, I had been there for a while, he jumped in a few hundred yards above several of us that were stationary and just came on down. This was along the N Santiam and several of us were working just below a boat landing. Believe me, I suck at golf and constantly let people play through, but this is done in a courteous manner, with those playing through either calling to me, me calling to them, or hand signals and a friendly wave being exchanged. If some idiot simply hits balls amongst a party ahead of him without communication he or she is just a d--k. The angler in my situation could have walked three more feet downstream and I would not have cared a bit. He chose to stand directly in front of me, stop, and then cast. Iwas not near any hole but was only fishing current.

The only lesson learned is that some anglers are just a--holes.

eugene1 said:
I would think that after several tangles between your gear she would get the point and move on. It wouldn't be fun for her having to retie a cut off line after every cast!

Lol...that did happen to me cuz apparently I was at a great fishing spot...I threatened to kick their ass and they left...that was a year ago, I think I had more balls back then
steelhead_slayer said:
I like what you did. I usual swing my fly below people like that and rip it back trying to snag them.

Remember though, if they are hooked outside the mouth you have to release them you darn flosser :)
18406ej said:

The only lesson learned is that some anglers are just a--holes.


It all makes sense now. One's A-hole is one's low hole :)
I love the violent red neck mentality some spout (bathed in sarcasm.)
I'm glad I stumbled upon this post.
First OFF- you dont own the water! If you were fishing that spot first great, however just like on recess at school , If theres only one cool thing its the "big kid" thing share! Im sure youll get another turn. I personally think its rude to move in however Its not my water so I can I always fish away from the A holes, NOT become one!

Now- to bragging about spraying chemicals all over the ground were they would run into the water and coat the rocks becuase a girl was getting to close. Im sure the animals that share that bank when you leave loved it!

Fishing is about sharing, and discovering, meeting people and more.
I guess I might talk to the lady and explain the etiquette of the river. Maybe it wouldve sparked up a conversation like decent humans do, and then maybe it ends there or just maybe you go back to the lodge and become a little "closer".... Maybe get a little woman in your life and stop being so dark and bitter toward yourself and projecting it on others.?.?

LIFE LESSON: Thumpers mom in Bambi said "if you can't say anything nice dont say any thing at all"

If shes moving to your spot you can take two avenues,
1-you can say in non threatining language that you were here and would be glad to share when you left, or theres other holes here and here ect...

2 OR - you can tell her "its a good way to get shot" (as if there is a "good" way to get killed), and then disrespect the place for every body to prove your a bigger bear!

nice job.....we need more violent minded weapons wielding people out in there! After all it is AMERICA!
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You are entitled to your opinions but nobody here needs to be lectured. Redneck mentality? Com'on troutmasta, didn't anyone tell you about the risks you take by sounding silly when you drunk post? Sober up and take another look at this thread. Yes, it is bathed in sarcasm but if sarcasm was not allowed here then this place would not be nearly as fun. Lighten up and let's fish.
I love sarcasm, not everything in the thread was sarcastic
Sober up? 7:42 am drunk from a solid nights sleep.

I get the joke. Unfortunately people do get guns pulled on them and/or assaulted by people over this issue all the time.
Sorry, if It came of as a lecture. I re-read it I still feel the same.

Fish on. -TM
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Troutmasta, yes some of the responses even mine may have been over the top; however, I think as a whole there are a lot of people in society (me included) who are tired of people (single individuals to corporations or government departments at all levels) not being held accountable for their actions. When the phone company (only game in town for internet and landline phone) tells me they will be out to do an install of an upgrade to my service and they pull a no-show and don't call I get ahold of supervisors to get compensated for my time wasted. When the Oregon Department of Human Services continuously violates O.R.S. 166.075 by flying a tattered flag for months on end and doesn't take care to keep a flag in good order I take a photo and make a formal complaint, and the same when the US Post Office flys a faded and tattered flag.

These are just some examples of mine where I am tired of people not following the standards of good ethics and sometimes even the law without anyone being held accountable. The Hostess company shutting down is simply the company holding the unions responsible and accountable for their actions (it's too bad so many people are effected, but it is what it is). So in conclusion people are tired of others not being held accountable for their **** poor behavior and are willing to hold others accountable when others trample our rights, liberties, and freedoms. No I don't own the water but I damn sure try to remain courteous when I want to fish a hole where others are already fishing.

Dave, if ever you should need, you have my gun- i would rather see this nation fall... Than continue down the path it is on.
Well.....ok..... maybe you didn't drunk post but instead stubbed your toe getting out of bed this morning or something.:D Anyhoot, it just seems that nobody has the balls to speak up or act out anymore. We all need to speak up and exercise our right to do so without the feeling we're offending everybody. Although some of the tactics mentioned were over the top, sometimes you need to be a little more extreme to get your point across and some people need to hear it that way.

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