Row River?

Has anyone put eyes on the Row below Dorena in the last week or so? I was thinking about making the drive, but I don't know if its worth it.

USGS says it is running about 3.0, but I always question that. I am trying to wade between Killion's and the Dam, and was hoping it is low enough to accomodate that.


went there recently ( during the weather ) and the water was high, but still had descent color, but after today it could be toast again, heard it rained quite a bit in grove. good luck though, let us know
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Coast Fork Blows, IMO. Now... the Row!

Mostly trout: bows, and the occasional cutty. On a fly set up they are mostly only half-pounders.

I have heard of folks catching behemoths up under the dam spill, but I won't chuck into there.
So, I made it out to the Row this weekend, and it is in really good shape for this time of year. It is wadeable from the dam to Killions, and the water is really clear.

I didn't see a ton of fishies, but there was some surface activity around 2:00, and the mega princes were getting looks all morning. Caught a couple of decently sized trout; 12-14 inchers.

There was a light caddis hatch around noon, but it didn't really draw any fish that I could see... I was probably just making too much noise...

Funniest part of the day, was when a tooth deficient CG yokel explained to me that he had pulled out four "18 or 19 inch" rainbows that morning (unphotographed C & R of course), and that on a fly setup he had caught five 24" steelhead just last week.

Hey now! As a dentally challenged person myself I would like you to consider that just because we had to have a painful and life altering procedure performed,it in no way means we didn't perform daily dental cleaning or that we lost them due to drugs or that our brains fell out along with the bad teeth. Sheesh! I've had grey hair since I was 40 (started when I was 15),I hope you don't think that all grey haired folks are "geezers or geezettes"! Besides,the grey hair has helped me avoid more than one speeding ticket...8-) So,if you see a stubby,grey haired not quite totally "tooth deficient" grandmother out on the water,come over and say hi.
Oh,thanks for the report. ;-)
hehe... I was trying to paint an accurate picture, lol. No offense intended.

If I see you out there I'll say hi. Do you fish the Row often?

Same deal if you see a guy in an Oakland A's hat flailing a fly rod around: say hi!
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