Razor clamming this week


Well-known member
Just thought I would post a blurb.... Great clam tides starting on thursday, washington is open for this one and if you have never seen how awsome clamming in washington is it is very worth the drive and very affordable non-resident one day shellfish permit. And most importantly finally after a long dark winter its a clam tide in the daylight... so grab your sand tapper and go run down some clams! I will be doing oregon thurs, sat, and sunday... and washington on friday, be carefull though, those washington clams are so big they can drag a small child or elderly person under...;)
Didn't go for razors this weekend, but did pretty good for my first run at bay clams in Netarts on Saturday. I dug up a nice pile of softshells and a couple of cockles. Absolutely perfect day to be out. And to catch my chowdah meat... ...bonus!

Will be hunting for razors soon, though. Was told that the beaches north of Tillamook Head are the best for razors. Don't know first hand, yet.

Good luck. Get out.
sunset beach between warrenton and seaside is the best spot, drive onto the beach, hang a right go anywhere between 2.5 miles and 4 miles and you are in the honey hole.
Didn't go for razors this weekend, but did pretty good for my first run at bay clams in Netarts on Saturday. I dug up a nice pile of softshells and a couple of cockles. Absolutely perfect day to be out. And to catch my chowdah meat... ...bonus!

Will be hunting for razors soon, though. Was told that the beaches north of Tillamook Head are the best for razors. Don't know first hand, yet.

Good luck. Get out.

Where did you find softshells in Netarts? I've never seen 'em there... well... that's not true, I suppose... on the west side of the bay near the oyster beds I found a few... 'course... I don't dig softshells when there's butter and gaper clams around... butter clams make awesome chowdah.

The northern beaches ARE, generally, best for razors (Seaside, of course, being the general favorite), but you'd be surprised where you'll find them further south.
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four of us hit longbeach today.... 60 clams in 30 minutes. kudos washington state on being an example to fisheries managment!
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