Quartzville Creek trip

hey guys, I am going out the Quartzville creek this weekend and was wondering if anyone has been out there recently, if so any tips for me? I know that it was stocked last month on the 20th so there should be fish in there. I am normally a lake fisher, but we are camping right there so i figured that i should try and get into some brooks and rainbows. Any tips on reel fishing from the bank in a river?


Right, i was looking for more of a suggestion for bait and lures for this area. Unfortunately i do not have my fly rod, so i am looking for spinner suggestions.
I was up Quartzviller earlier in the year without my fly pole and we had some luck using rooster tails and panther martins... The darker colors ( blacks , browns ) seemed to work the best for us... Also there is always tons of caddis fly larvae ( periwinkles ) in the water .. Pick one of those up shuck it from its case and use that as bait , those always seem to work..

I don't know how far up you were planning on traveling , but we generally fish between 20 - 25 miles up ... or within a few miles either way of the bridge thats been washed out

Good luck Murphi
I was there Sunday, about four miles above Green Peter. Had several takes and hooked 4 lively rainbows, all released, on a #12 cinnamon caddis dry. Water was low, you had to pick your spots, all hits were in fast water spilling out of pools. Very beautiful clear, cold water.
I probably wont get a chance to check this again till i am back but i wanted to let you know that i am going to be at yellowbottom campground, from what i hear that is about 25 miles or so up the creek, so hopefully i will get into some fishes!
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