first off, i'd like to introduce myself. I'm a semi-newbie steelhead fisherman/future police officer looking for some good information. i've been steelhead fishing for a few years in a row, but i am a more avid bass fisherman. well, this season i am deciding to take the year off from bass (primarily) and fish for steelhead. that being said, i need some advice. i fish the south santiam just below the Foster Dam for summer steelies. i'm looking for a steelhead pole. i have about 70 dollars at my disposal. i am looking at an okuma sst 9'6" spinning or a buzz ramsey IM8 8'6" baitcaster. i have a spare reel for both. being a bass fisherman, i am pretty good with a baitcaster, but i have heard that spinning gear is the best for drifting/bobber & jig. i will be purchasing the rod on wednesday, and am kind of leaning towards the okuma, mainly because a)it's longer, and b) has gotten some GREAT reviews. please let me know what you guys think.
Thank you,
Thank you,