Pink trout

So I have been fishing Alton Baker since they stocked this last week and we kept two limits our first day. The first thing I noticed is that none of the adipose fins were clipped and when we took our fish home to eat all the meat was pink. I've never kept any trout here in Oregon yet but I know in other states that most stockers have white meet. I've noticed with high lake fish and waters that are much colder trout meet tends to be pink. Any feedback on this topic.
Diet is what changes the flesh. Zooplankton, crayfish, adn other invertebrate eggs will change the flesh color. If fed hatchery food, benthic insects, minnows, the flesh will be white-(ish). Something to do with carotinoids. Caratinoid uptake by fish is controlled by at least two genes. One makes a carrier protien found in the blood, and the other is a transporter protein that allows the pigment to accumulate in muscle tissue. If either gene is absent, you get white meat.
when i caught my brooder stock it was pink meat also. had only been in pond for a day or two at most as i went right after stocking. if i remember right most the stocker trout we have got had pink meat.
In a lot of lakes they aren't clipping the fins, and I think they've switched what they're feeding them, and so the meat is pink, I haven't pulled out a hatchery trout that isn't pink in several years.
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