Paulina Lake

Great advice...

Great advice...

Dodie said:
Just a bit of advise for those of you that are going to camp where there are bears. Do NOT put your food in your car. Have you ever seen what a car looked like, that had food in it until a bear decided it wanted dinner? Food in a car is no big deal for a bear. Best bet is to try to hang your food off the ground where a bear can't reach it. Don't take this as being bossy but just good advise I think.
Be safe out there and have fun. Dodie :dance:

Perfectly said....

I have always kept it in my sleeping problems so far....
It is best to use a sealed insulated food box so no scent can be gotten by bear. Use a rope to hang from a tree away from yer sleeping area.

Take Care..........................Grizz


Oregonchris said:
I have always kept it in my sleeping problems so far....

They call that a Pig in a Blanket don't they...;)

anyone ever fish kokanee in timothy lake?
I've been fishing on Paulina, usually in late June, for the last three years with a good buddy. He like to troll for kokes and I like to bring my pontoon boat along so I can toss flies out on the water. I'm not much for trolling in a boat listening to a kicker drone on all day long but in my p-boat, it's like I died and went to heaven. Quiet, peaceful, scenic...

Fly fishing up there has been terrific for me. Lots of rainbows and an occasional brownie. I take all of them on the surface. Biggest problem is just staying warm. That water is cold. I usually only last a couple or three hours than have to come in and warm up.

Never made it to East Lake yet. My fly fishing club goes there once a year but I've yet to get over there. They say the trout fishing is super. And yes, mercury is a huge problem with those fish. Not good to eat them., if you are a meat fisherman - which I'm not anyway.
Paulina Lake access report 5/1/09

Paulina Lake access report 5/1/09

About a third of the lake is still iced over on the West end. There's a channel through to open water. The only launch open is at the resort, and the dock had a trail down the middle through the snow. The main road is blocked off just past the resort turn-off, so getting to the campgrounds, public launch, or up to East Lake is not an option yet. Campgrounds had around 3 to 4 feet of snow...
Silver Bullets said:
About a third of the lake is still iced over on the West end. There's a channel through to open water. The only launch open is at the resort, and the dock had a trail down the middle through the snow. The main road is blocked off just past the resort turn-off, so getting to the campgrounds, public launch, or up to East Lake is not an option yet. Campgrounds had around 3 to 4 feet of snow...
Very depressing, but alas, it'll warm up soon enough, and then...then it's on. (Which will work out better because I'll actually have gas funds by then)
Anyone have any reports on ice conditions? Think it would be worth heading up there for opening day?
Paulina Lake

Have not heard a word what the ice situation is at this time. I can see the peak and it is still snow covered and cold looking. Wickiup and the Twin lakes are ice free right now. Here is Paulina's phone number in case you want to give them a call when "Fishmas" gets closer. 541-5362240
Have a great time and wear your life jackets. Dodie
I talked to the forest service a few weeks ago. They said there's still snow down to the 10 mile gate and the lake it still froze over. We've had some snow since then, so I'd be real surprised if it would be accessible for opening weekend.
Thanks for the info guys. Yea, I'll have to plan a trip out there a little later.
i new some help on what to fish with at paulina lake, i have never been there and hoping to catch some fish. i wont being for a few weeks. want to make sure i have the right gear to fish with. i am taking my boat. if any one has some good advice i would appreciate it.
For kokanee you could troll with flashers and a redding ring tipped with corn or a dodger with a hoochie. You could jig for them with nordic, buzz bombs or crippled herring jigs. For browns you could troll rapalas. You can also fish for rainbows with powerbait and marshmellow worm combo. I have caught fish there on these method but have not been over ther in serveral years. good luck
fish4life said:
For kokanee you could troll with flashers and a redding ring tipped with corn or a dodger with a hoochie. You could jig for them with nordic, buzz bombs or crippled herring jigs. For browns you could troll rapalas. You can also fish for rainbows with powerbait and marshmellow worm combo. I have caught fish there on these method but have not been over ther in serveral years. good luck
Good advice.;)
Jig for kokanee in any water deeper than 15-20ft with buzz bombs or pline jigs. For browns troll rapalas or any fish mimicking lure. Good luck out there!
great thsnks everyone, i can't wait to get up there.
Went to Paulina 8/9. Fished from 6-11am. Trolled rapalas from L Crater campground to the red slide - nothing. I haven't figured out the browns yet. Gave up around 10 and pulled out the fly rod and caught 8-14" rainbows solid for the next hour on a mosquito pattern.
jfrost said:
Went to Paulina 8/9. Fished from 6-11am. Trolled rapalas from L Crater campground to the red slide - nothing. I haven't figured out the browns yet. Gave up around 10 and pulled out the fly rod and caught 8-14" rainbows solid for the next hour on a mosquito pattern.

I was at East on 8/9 and it was slow for Browns.
Was kinda slow for other species too.

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