Paulina Lake

Just thought I would let you all know that I got off the phone with the lodge owners, making some reservations and she told me by the way the lake is already opened up from the ice, about a 1/4 of it is ice free if I remember right! Could be a good year with some bigger koke's and brownies too!
Save me some

Save me some

joemomma said:
Just thought I would let you all know that I got off the phone with the lodge owners, making some reservations and she told me by the way the lake is already opened up from the ice, about a 1/4 of it is ice free if I remember right! Could be a good year with some bigger koke's and brownies too!

Well poop! They're just going to have to wait til I get there in July! Don't you dare catch all of them in the meantime. Thanks for the report. Be safe.
heck yes, this is awesome news. I was thinking about camping up there opening weekend if there wasn't too much snow still lingering. I absolutely love that whole cluster of lakes up there.
I can remember being 10 years old on opening day at Paulina with my Dad and my Grampa. It was so cold and snowing pretty hard. We were probably there for 4-5 hours and no bites at all. But then I have heard stories of huge fish caught on opening day. GOOD LUCK!
Never had success up there on opening day lol, and it's almost always been cold and miserable...but it's a family sick family tradition.
You guys all go to Paulina!! :D

I'll be up above at East Lake.

I really like that lake a lot! Easy to fish. Know exactly where the Browns, Kokanee, rainbows, and Atlantics are at any given day. Paulina I'm lost....

can't wait for the weather to improve!!
Paulina and East lakes...

Paulina and East lakes...

Bears - oh my....:shock:
I fish them both; but never camped there. To chicken...:confused:

Kokes in Paulina

Kokes in Paulina

The only place I have found larger Kokes in this state is Waldo, but we all know that there are no fish in Waldo.



GrillMaster said:
The only place I have found larger Kokes in this state is Waldo, but we all know that there are no fish in Waldo.


Another enlightened angler, not to many people fish Waldo.

Back to the thread at hand, I have had repeated luck for Browns and Kokes in the early spring. Browns against the North west shoreline, the Kokes seem to congregate on the east and south east area; probably because the Browns aren't. We use our sonars to located suspended fish and adjust depth of your presentation, most jigs work well in the spring time; we will locate fish along the south shore along the dark lava rock. Around 50 - 100' down. Also if you want to try some trolling for the Kokes, along the east shore line almost dead in front of the Cabins :dance:. Good luck and beware of the Bears.

Troutski said:
Bears - oh my....:shock:
I fish them both; but never camped there. To chicken...:confused:


Oh I got a story... Woke up in the middle of the night to bears running everywhere! People chasing them around. Everyone but us had their stuff and coolers laying out that night. Next morning look like a hurricane went through.
I went out to sit next to the fire and eat breakfast. All of a sudden, the tree right next to me starts to shake and move. I look up and there are 4 bears in the tree!! :shock: I actually just sat there and ate. Then we left and went fishing. The ODFW guys came and tranquilized them and moved them.

So if you camp at either lake. LOCK ALL of your food and things in your car!!
I remember going to East lake when I was a kid, probably 15 years or more ago..and they had 3 cubs up a tree near a cabin. No sign of mama...haha not a good sign for people in the area though, where there are babies, there is an angry angry mama.

They don't bother people, just your cooler.

I'll probably be tent camping opening day :) I don't plan on being eaten either.
Paulina and East Lake

Paulina and East Lake

Glad to hear there are people other than locals that fish those waters. I live in La Pine and try to get up there a few times each year. So many places around here come fishing season that we try to hit them all. Yeah, there are bears up there and also Mercury warnings for East Lake so check on that before eating many. Lots of Chubs in Paulina. My sister and I are trying to get a Chub tournement going for Chubs but not this year. Should be fun tho. We went fishing today at Lake Billy Chinook and I caught my first Bull Trout. Snagged that little buggar tho on its belly. Don't ask me how I did that but was released unharmed. Fishing right off the shore by the docks about 30 ft. out with worm on the bottom. Pretty fish and the first time I had ever seen one. ya'll take care out there and be safe. Not to much longer until Fishmas!!!
Dodie said:
Glad to hear there are people other than locals that fish those waters. I live in La Pine and try to get up there a few times each year. So many places around here come fishing season that we try to hit them all. Yeah, there are bears up there and also Mercury warnings for East Lake so check on that before eating many. Lots of Chubs in Paulina. My sister and I are trying to get a Chub tournement going for Chubs but not this year. Should be fun tho. We went fishing today at Lake Billy Chinook and I caught my first Bull Trout. Snagged that little buggar tho on its belly. Don't ask me how I did that but was released unharmed. Fishing right off the shore by the docks about 30 ft. out with worm on the bottom. Pretty fish and the first time I had ever seen one. ya'll take care out there and be safe. Not to much longer until Fishmas!!!

Make sure you let us know if you have a chub tournament. I usually kill them then let them float and either a brown trout or a large bird will come eat them.
I hear it can be good there.
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speaking of bears! I never have had a "real bear adventure up there" But there was that time when me and the boys ( who were little 7 and 9 or so, and there were bear signs everywhere, so the seed is planted!) were up at east! I got up in the middle of the night and had to go pee, so I get out of the camper and head over to the john! ( well in the mean time, the lab has to go pee too! so casey my oldest lets him out of the camper, figuring I'm nearby watering a jack pine! So I head back to the camper, (By the way it is like really dark, you know just enough light to see a little, but ya can't really tell what it is your looking at!) I'll let ya all figure the rest of the story out! I would imagine it was kinda sad to see a grown man running through the campground screaming like a little girl!, with a chocolate lab chasing him!

Great One.............:D


:lol: ROFLOL, That is so funny. What I would have given to see that performance. Were ya outta breath at the end? :lol::lol::lol::clap::clap::clap::dance: Be safe out there. Dodie
joemomma said:
Just thought I would let you all know that I got off the phone with the lodge owners, making some reservations and she told me by the way the lake is already opened up from the ice, about a 1/4 of it is ice free if I remember right! Could be a good year with some bigger koke's and brownies too!

Thanks for the update joemomma, that's sure good news! Last year around opening day the ice was still a foot thick! I can hardly wait to get up there and test out some lures I've been working on. Will bring a few to the friday night kokanee class at Suttle Lake for show and tell...
joemomma said:
speaking of bears! I would imagine it was kinda sad to see a grown man running through the campground screaming like a little girl!, with a chocolate lab chasing him!

That's hilarious!! A great memory for your family too!!!:clap::clap::clap::lol::lol::lol::lol::D:D;)


Just a bit of advise for those of you that are going to camp where there are bears. Do NOT put your food in your car. Have you ever seen what a car looked like, that had food in it until a bear decided it wanted dinner? Food in a car is no big deal for a bear. Best bet is to try to hang your food off the ground where a bear can't reach it. Don't take this as being bossy but just good advise I think.
Be safe out there and have fun. Dodie :dance:
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