
Oh Yeah-LookOut has a forum!
Yeah it is sweat. Now we just need all the old threads to be relocated.
Would you help me with that, please? If you post links to the threads that has to be moved to the Lookout folder I would move them there.
Yeaa, its own post. Happy times.
On the move

On the move

Okay,I went back 10 pages in the Willamette section and moved the ones I found. Am I right in assuming the Lookout Point is not the same as the Lookout Reservoir? I will go back further as time allows...if Markcanby who is the mod for this section doesn't mind. Only because I have a little more time than he does these days. If you find more,let us know with the links and we will move them asap. Thanks gang.
I believe it is technacly called Lookout Point Reservoir.
Yeah lookout point is the same thing lookout point res.
Raincatcher said:
Okay,I went back 10 pages in the Willamette section and moved the ones I found
Good job Mod! Thank you Barb.

Brianb1962 said:
I believe it is technacly called Lookout Point Reservoir.
Than I want to change the name of the forum to "Lookout Point Reservoir"? Is that correct?
If you want to be "correct" but we just call it lookout for the most part.
All the treads prom BD2Cool are from this same body of water he just calls it lookout point to be more correct. I know he would love to see his threads relocated.
More people call it Lookout Point. I agree with Thuggin4Life.
Here the picture that says it all
Wow bd2cool and thuggin are the celbrities of lookout point! If you ever see them out on the water make sure to stop them and get an autograph! Nice to see all the post in one spot.
Dang Andy-we are famous!
Congrats to the celebs, for getting a Lookout forum link!:cool::D:clap:
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