ODFW admits they are "statistically Challenged"

Not that I'm defending ODFW.. but what we have to realize is, they are directed by a the Legislature and the Commission.

Our Commission is not friendly to the Sportfisher, and the Legislature aren't very educated on the issues (when it comes to fisheries)

That's where you and I come in.. we need to engage our Legislators, get to know them, educate them and hold them accountable, thats the way we become involved, that's Democracy at it's simplest, if they hear from enough of us they can't ignore us.
Kodiak, if everyone was like Fred Girod we wouldn't be having these conversations, our Legislators would get it, but they don't.
As far as the Commission is concerned, they serve at the pleasure of our Governor, and I don't think we've seen a Governor/Commission seem to be so against sportfishing etc. (IMO) ever.

Just a guys opinion..
I know odfw is pretty lame. I think we can all agree on that. But can we just clean up the "retarded" talk? I'm not trying to ruffle feathers or anything, it's just that I teach high school special education. And really, the kids I reach are amazing, and I bet if the school would allow me I could yeah them all about chinook and coho and steelhead runs and what not and they could do as good of a job, if not better, than odfw. But let's just not call dumb people retarded.

Did I miss the "R" word in his post?:think:
Good News! ODFW admits thier numbers are off on the fall chinook run this year and that "2300 predicted is low" and "actual escapment may be significantly higher" on the Siletz and other costal rivers. I am so fed up it is redicoulous. they have adjusted the regs...Again. So make sure you read them before you go out. I sincerly hope every time you nail a costal Fall Chinook this year you call ODFW and let them know, and ask them to put the limits back to normal...I know I have and will continue to do so.

At least you have an FW.
I met a ranger last year on a steelhead river here I had never fished. I knew I could keep 2 hatchery fish. He let me know CA has not planted the river for 20 years. Good luck getting any fish here let alone a hatchery fish.
(Yeah, I know, most of you don't care....)
Is it so bad to have a lower limit for a few years? Even if the numbers aren't going to be as bad as they make it, they sure aren't as high as they should be. I don't mind only being aboe to keep five Chinook a year or ten in some rivers, if it will help future runs. Five chrome bright salmon are enough for my family, plus Daniel could catch his five, that would be enough until winter steelhead start. :)
With the number of three year jacks caught and retained last year this run pencils out around 3800-4200 fall chinook recruits to the Siletz..or an average run. Sports fisherman are being forced to cut thier season short, and serious economic damage to the businesses that thrive there. This was pure panic by ODFW..period. My problem comes in when ODFW is using questionable methods to get thier base numbers, and that skews thier "estimate". This estimate would then be far off from reality, and hurting the people depend on the runs for thier livelyhood. So the short answer to your question stalker is
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