North Santiam natives

So I have been going to to coast religiously with mixed results.Decided to hit the home waters Sunday,Went two min from my house fish on first 30 min.This river has some of the prettiest fish i have ever seen.


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ALL the good fish go up the south, the water is easier to fish, the people are nicer, oh and dont forget about the free beer!!
So I have been going to to coast religiously with mixed results.Decided to hit the home waters Sunday,Went two min from my house fish on first 30 min.This river has some of the prettiest fish i have ever seen.

nice fish. might need to get out and try my new float rod??
Not to take away from the fine fish above,a very nice speciman of North Santiam winter steelie,BUT you guys are asking for it...Ya want proof??

You win santiam! Thats a nice looking fish. Everybody go fish the south now, no point in fishing the north.

Sometime in the next month or so I am coming to the North to see what its all about..Maybe I can wrap my boat around a rootwad or something..


Seriously.the North,South Molalla and Calypooia fish are pretty much all the same and are by far the prettiest fish around,at least I think so...They are also my favorite to catch,I just don't fish them enough cause I also like to bring a fish home every now and then..

But as the coast rivers start to slow down I will be changing that...
Sometime in the next month or so I am coming to the North to see what its all about..Maybe I can wrap my boat around a rootwad or something..:)

Seriously.the North,South Molalla and Calypooia fish are pretty much all the same and are by far the prettiest fish around,at least I think so...They are also my favorite to catch,I just don't fish them enough cause I also like to bring a fish home every now and then..

But as the coast rivers start to slow down I will be changing that...

No worries, we have plenty of those and lots of rocks to do it. On a serious note tho, let me know if you do plan on floating the North. I'll give you a heads up on anything to watch out for. We had our first boat sink last saturday, probably wont be the last either.
Thanks and I will take you up on that..

I sank a drift boat once...Back in 79...I just can't remember if it was 1879 or 1979..:think:

No matter..What I do remember is it wasn't any fun...I have not come close since..;)
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