North fork on Clackamas (worms?)

Hello everyone,
Heard something today I wanted to verify. I was trolling on North Fork Reservoir today and was doing pretty well.

Most trout were just under 11" or 12" but it was hard to keep the pole in the water as they were hitting that fast.

I was told you can't use worms on the Clackamas right now and that just seemed silly to me.

Has anyone else heard that? I'm going to go searching around the net for rules but I thought I would stop by here first.

Thanks very much!

I believe above North Fork Res. that bait is not allowed. It's restricted like that because there trying to restore native Salmon and Winter Steelhead runs.
The cut-off is the dam itself, so no bait in the reservoir.

From mouth upstream to North Fork Dam
• Open for adipose fin-clipped trout May 23-Oct. 31, 2 trout per day, and no minimum length.
• Open for adipose fin-clipped Chinook salmon and adipose fin-clipped steelhead entire year.
• Open for adipose fin-clipped coho salmon Aug. 1-Oct. 31.
• No angling from a floating device between River Mill Dam and hatchery intake structure.
• No angling between markers 400 feet upstream and 100 feet downstream from Faraday Powerhouse June 16-Oct. 31.
• No angling from the entrance of the fishway/fish trap at Casadero Dam downstream to yellow deadline markers (approximately 275 feet).
• Use of bait allowed.

Remember that bait is prohibited by default, and it isn't mentioned above the dam.

Mainstem and tributaries not listed upstream from North Fork Dam
• For the length of the Three Lynx Powerhouse (111 feet), no angling from a floating device or from the west shore.
• No limit on size or number of brook trout taken. Catch limits on other trout species do not apply to brook trout.
Wow, really? I've never fished North Fork so never really read the regs. So you can't use Powerbait in North Fork?
beaverfan said:
Wow, really? I've never fished North Fork so never really read the regs. So you can't use Powerbait in North Fork?

I have and just learned I was illegal :( I always thought it was the reservoir too.
I searched around and couldn't find the regs for North fork so Its great that you guys know what you are doing.

I shouldn't say this but I was using worms and did great. I won't however do it again.


I believe that the no bait only applies to the river itself, I could be wrong though. The regs specify
angling restricted to artificial flies and lures in streams, see exceptiosn under special regulations where use of bait is allowed.
To me that reads that bait isn't allowed in the rivers unless specified, the lakes seem to be open to bait unless otherwise specified in the special regulations, I'm no DFW officer though so don't take my word for it. Lakes don't have a season for any fish other than salmon or steelhead which makes me think the restriction on use of bait would be different in lakes as well.

If this is not the case then bait is not allowed in harriet or timothy either and I'm sure anybody who has fished any of these reservoirs is guilty of fishing bait where prohibited.
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Ive never heard of this no bait in the Resevior thing.....I'd call someone to be sure. Maybe the ODFW district office, or the store at Promitory Park because its not really clear in the regs.
Says use of bait prohibited in streams, but Im pretty sure the resevior is not a stream. Its a resevior.
Checked at the store

Checked at the store

Hello again,
Hey I went up to the reservoir to troll around again and this time before putting in the boat I stopped at the store and asked the guy that lives there what he knew about using worms in the reservoir?

He said it was perfectly legal and the rule is no worms above the dam at mile marker 31.

He sales worms at the store so I had to ask and that is what he said.
Just thought I would let you know.

They are called fishing regulations, try looking at them sometime or

don't you even have a licence?
Why ya gotta be rude all the time? Half your posts are rude or offensive comments. Relax dude, go fishing or something.
beaverfan said:
Why ya gotta be rude all the time? Half your posts are rude or offensive comments. Relax dude, go fishing or something.

No kiddin`. Lookin for clarification is a good thing! The way DFW words stuff is redonkulous sometimes. I still need to call Wash. to clear up some things. Been awhile since I thought about that, can`t even remember:whistle: what it was but it was 2 or 3 things. Now I`m gettin out the regs.
plus, don't talk smack if you can't spell the word correctly.
Cake said:
They are called fishing regulations, try looking at them sometime or

don't you even have a licence?

What is a licence anyway? The sense of lice?

Weird, there is a little red line under that word?? HUH?!:cool:
metalfisher76 said:
What is a licence anyway? The sense of lice?

Weird, there is a little red line under that word?? HUH?!:cool:


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