No fish..... but a ton of info

Hit the water yesterday with a few other members. I met so many of you guys yesterday, it was way cool.

Woke up at 2 am and was out the door at around 3:30 when Raincatcher picked me up. From there it was up the 5 and hittin Denny's for breakfast. Got to the OFF hole when it was still dark and met up with Fishtopher and Ninja (so glad you were there. I would've never made it down the trail in the dark.) Got my line wet and in the first 14 or 15 casts... I lost about 3 drift rigs. :lol: Didn't matter. It was still really cool to be up there. Met up with VagrantAngler, Fishkiller, Bobberdown, AnyfishIsFine, FishFinger and Catphish. (if I didn't mention your name, I'm sorry) Stayed at the OFF hole for a little bit and didn't get any action. Saw quite a few jumpin and makin fun of us over on the bank. But no luck.

About 8:30 some of us headed for McIver park. (make sure if you're following someone, they know where they're going. It was a great tour of Estacada:lol:)
Got to the park and hit the water. About an hour after we got there we ran into Youngbuck and Osmosis. Fished the rest of the day and had a couple of strikes but didn't land anything. However, I learned a lot from a great teacher. Thanks again for all of your help. About 4 pm we headed out fishless and feeling like we'd gone a couple of rounds with Chuck Norris, but we both learned a ton and still went home with smiles on our faces. Thanks to everyone who showed up. It was great to meet you all and can't wait to hit the water with you guys again. Maybe next time we'll all get into some fish.
LOL yeah a little bit. But I don't mind. It's always great to meet other forum members. Figure it this way. If I had caught a fish, it's only gonna be around for a couple of days. But the information to catch a fish, will stay with me for a life time. I'll be back out on the water here in a few days or so with a much better feel for things.
I meant that in the nicest way possible:) Detroit was really great. I agree with you, and meeting new members was awesome. I'm just really looking forward to hearing about some people I know getting into feeeeshhh!:D
Sounds like a great day on the water. Man I thought I got up early to fish, that's crazy especially to fish for steelhead! I get up early for salmon but dang your committed. :lol:
Thank you one and all!!

Thank you one and all!!

It was just as great to meet all the OFF members up at the Faraday Dam OFF Hole as it was to meet everyone at Detroit. :dance: Thank you to all who showed up to "Slay da Skunk". My skunk and Autofisher's is alive and well and living somewhere in the tackle boxes. :protest: We will find the sucka and slay 'em for sure some day soon! :pray:
Let me tell you about the route to the OFF Hole...:doh:The parking area is flat. Once you step onto the path,that is the END of flat ground! :rolleyes: It is around 1/8 of a mile of mountain goat trail. Now,for you younger members I know it's no problem. Let me tell you,when you're a bit past your prime it gets to be a real challenge to keep your landing pads under your center of gravity. :redface: That was the only real challenge going down,well,that and not feeling like I was on a suicide mission! The river bed was okay. Tons of fish tongues sticking out at us all. :tongue: I believe it was FishKiller who had one on and lost it,but then caught a trout. That was the only action I saw there. My doctor is not going to be happy with my swollen feet,but then, neither am I. :whistle:
The trek going back UP the mountain goat trail...let me just say that I think I owe my life to both Autofisher:clap:,he literally pulled me uphill when I came to a complete stop when faced with a near ninety degree section:pray:,as well as Catphish:clap:,who insisted on being a total gentleman and took all my extra gear.;) It is probably a good thing none of you clued me in to the effort it would take to get to the water. I would have whimped out and never met up with a bunch of really neat guys. I will warn the more "mature" fisher folk,if you are not in at least fair shape,do not try hauling your heavy hiney down that trail! :naughty: It is treacherous! :wall::wall:
Couldn't have had a better afternoon! Learned a lot from Osmosis and enjoyed the company of FishFinger,Catphish,Ninja and Younguck307. :dance::clap:
Thank you one and all who showed up to slay that lil stinker. Next time,maybe?:think:
Little bit of a drive.

Little bit of a drive.

Now let me explain. Raincatcher and my fishclock is a little off. We've been gettin up early for the bite all summer. But we've taken the last month or so off so we could get some work done around her house and everywhere else. We kinda haven't noticed that the sun's coming up later and later. But to be fair we were driving to foreign lands and wanted to give us a little extra time in case we got lost, hungry or forgot something. It's not exactly a short trip from Salem to Faraday. And speaking from experience, the backroads from Salem up there are pretty unforgiving unless you know exactly where you're going. Wasn't too bad. But then again, I'm used to running on little sleep.
Pooped out

Pooped out

I forgot to add that I got home at 6:30,crawled into bed and slept until 6:00 this morning!! Tired? No,exhausted! Worth it though.
Vagrant Angler couldnt keep the little suckers off his hook! Everytime I turned around, he had another lil biter! Good times. Nice to meet ya Barb and Mike. I didn't know youall were headed to McIver...I turned around and half of everybody was gone...hell Fishfinger(even though he was still half plastered, I still expected him to maybe throw a rock at me.) didn't even say goodbye to me. I did learn later from youngbuck, that they were headed to Mciver, but by then, I was on the rush to get home and make Rhonda her Birthday Breakfast!

Once again, good times. Barb, I tried to get you into that nook that kept on bragging about how high he could jump...I guess he was just zipperlipped that day!


Sorry if we skipped out suddenly. I can't speak for others,but I was dreading the trek back up the mountain goat trail. FishFinger left with us as did Catphish. I know we all hollered g'bye to everyone,but you may have been busy tracking that elusive steelie. Sorry to leave you out.
Where is the OFF hole? This is my first season ever fishing steelhead and since the season is winding down and the only fish ive even SEEN is above the deadline in Gates...I'd like to even SEE some before its over. :(
Sorry if we skipped out suddenly. I can't speak for others,but I was dreading the trek back up the mountain goat trail. FishFinger left with us as did Catphish. I know we all hollered g'bye to everyone,but you may have been busy tracking that elusive steelie. Sorry to leave you out.

Barb if you didn't like that hike then well there is a lot of holes that we go to that there is no way you would go, heck I don't even like sandy hach trail, or the eagle creek hach trail. Not saying I dont walk them but I don't like them to much, but this is the things we bank fishing people go through to get are fishies.

I'm know you will get in to some fish just keep at it and never give up. Good luck and I really hope to meet you sometime, had to work so I missed this get together hope you make it this way again sometime for another trip.

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