No C & R after catching your limit law

Hells Bells! I gotta catch one before I worry about getting too many! I would pass out if I got two in one day and then I wouldn't need to worry about being illegal. lmao!!
On a similar note, can you fish for salmon or steelhead if you have your angling license but you don't have a salmon/steelhead tag, if you don't keep any and just C&R? Full disclosure, I have my license AND my salmon/steelhead tag! I just don't have a rod at the moment :mad:
gordo said:
On a similar note, can you fish for salmon or steelhead if you have your angling license but you don't have a salmon/steelhead tag, if you don't keep any and just C&R? Full disclosure, I have my license AND my salmon/steelhead tag! I just don't have a rod at the moment :mad:

Have heard tales of them smackin thomas or rooster tails on rare occasion thats an interesting question not sure? Wouldnt think you could specifically rig for/ target them without a tag ,that might be a problem?
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My opinion is it makes it easier for enforcement not to micro manage. It is all about the little enforcement they can do to get results. In their equation it is easier to do this than whatever else they were going to do to manage limits.

I just read though members opinions and saw that the topic has been strategically narrowed down to salmon/steelhead. sry
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gordo said:
On a similar note, can you fish for salmon or steelhead if you have your angling license but you don't have a salmon/steelhead tag, if you don't keep any and just C&R? Full disclosure, I have my license AND my salmon/steelhead tag! I just don't have a rod at the moment :mad:

No, you must have a salmon/steelhead tag to fish for them.
Im still in the same boat for salmon/steelhead. I think salmon and steelhead are much hardier than even large trout. I do think that catching your first and whackin' it, then playing c&r the rest of the day and call it good on one, or bonk your last fish and head out is legit.

Later in the year, early fall I have been known to fish all day - c&r many many steelhead, then whack the last one or two depending on meat levels in the freezer, somedays I dont kill any steelhead and have released a fair ration of hatchery steelhead.

No you can not target salmon/steelhead without a harvest tag. I have met some people playing the "Im fishing trout" card - chasing steelhead. Not cool imo...

my .02
I thought you had to have one to actually go after them. Think in the rare occasion cases I spoke of imediate release unharmed would be the reg? I.E. was out bottom fishin one time and a guy with us caught a salmon on a line drop . He had to release it just a freak catch while targeting another species.He had no tag oops I mean ouch !
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yeah if fishing for trout with tout gear its not illeagl to hook a steelhead/salmon but illegal to intentionally try to hook one without a tag regardless of intentions to keep one or not.
Thuggin4Life said:
yeah if fishing for trout with tout gear its not illeagl to hook a steelhead/salmon but illegal to intentionally try to hook one without a tag regardless of intentions to keep one or not.

Yeah what he said >
I figured as much.

I realize one needs to understand all the rules and regulations that are laid out, but as an aside, what happened to the days of yore when you just tossed in your line and fished for..... fish?!?! That's how I grew up! We just tossed in a lure and hoped something would grab it on the other end, and then we'd let it go - bass, bluegill, sunfish, catfish... whatever. It was just plain ol' fun! That was the midwest though, and a good 20-25 years ago, and I hadn't even heard of steelhead back then. We were just kids fishing in the ponds

But like I said, I do agree that you need to know the regs... ignorance of the law is no excuse. :naughty: I pretty much only toss spinners and maybe some spoons, and as far as I know, just about any species of fish will go for one of those, so what exactly am I fishing for, you might ask? Fish! :lol: just kidding.... I know what I'm fishing for and I follow all the regs...
What i dont like about the law is only one rod on rivers. but you can have multiple hooks and set ups on that one rod. I would love to have a plunk set up then cast another rod for bass or whatever. It drives me crazy sitting there with no action and see bass moving around. 1 hook per line, 2 rod permit should be allowed but with stipulations as to not target the same species. I mean I am missing a bigger problem like the gut hooking and people screwing up the 2 rod thing and it would be easier to catch poachers if there isn't two rods and see someone fishing two rods.
gordo said:
On a similar note, can you fish for salmon or steelhead if you have your angling license but you don't have a salmon/steelhead tag, if you don't keep any and just C&R? Full disclosure, I have my license AND my salmon/steelhead tag! I just don't have a rod at the moment :mad:

See pg. 3 of the reg book. Item #5 under the heading "Licenses, Tags and Permits".
Even with salmon steelhead Its no bueno. Ive seen mortally wounded nates released thats the law but if you fish after your limit your risking the same thing with clipped fish. I just use my limit as a time to say "okay no more last casts" when I hit my limit Im done. ( unless you go to a different body of water or target somthing completely different.) i.e. bass and trout. Sturgeon and salmon ect.
P.s. If anyone besides a fly fisherman says there fishing for cutthroat during a salmon run. Thats SHADY. period.
I guess to each his own... a mortally wounded nate has to be released, you can harvest that mortally wounded clipped fish tho. I would have to say that if your hookin' em that deep then yes, your done after two. 99% of fish I hook are lip-hooked. These fish arent going to die from a lip hook, combined with a quick fight and release.

Like I said, to each his own. If you can leave a river feeling good about how you've hooked and released/handled the fish then good on you, keep it up. If not, then maybe the person would get educated? Talk to other fisher-folk about it and how they do it?

just my .02
heres a question for you,what are the regs meaning when they talk about having 2 daily limits in your possession,can you have 5 trout
and 5 bass or whatever,or can you have two limits of 5 trout?
and can all the fish be on one stringer,or do both limits have to be separated?
have been wondering about that and hoping to ask a ODFW person the next time i get asked for my license.
also can you have two rods with you (only having one line in the water)but having the other rod set up for different
type of fishing but not in use? or would that look too unbelievable.
what do you think??
As far as the daily limits question, I dont want to answer that one.... the question on the rods tho - I pack two sometimes three rods. As long as only one is in use at a time, you can pack as many around as you want.

I think with Salmon/Steelhead its real the same when it comes do to teh basis of the law. Its not the ethical fisherman like you Mgd its Tom an Dick that I worry about playing a fish out past a safe point for the fish. Then with Summers you have water temp to look at. Just think about this. If you had your limit of Salmon then caught a monster that your hook had somehow managed to damage the gills or it was just to played out to release. There is no one around to give the fish to what are you going to do?
the daily limit thing is so if you are camping you can have 5 fish in your cooler from the day before. no way on a day trip you should have a second limit. If you are outwith the intention of keeping fish once you get your limit you are done if you are not keeping fish then you can fish all day and keep a few instead of tossing them in the water to die. for salmon a steelhead you should leave a spot on the tag if you are trying to catch and realease so you can take one home even if not planned on so you don't toss a dying fish back in.

Also I am pretty sure that you aren't allowed to give away a fish once you have your limit. so guys that are filling the daily limit then still fishing and giving away fish are breaking the law. Also you aren't supposed to be fishing so guys that are handing off rods are still breaking the law. and its ilegal to tag a fish for your buddy if he doesn't have a tag.

And not sure about you guys but during the spring nook run and summer steel run on my rivers there are lots of people out trout fishing because the seasons over lap and we have 2 great trout rivers that also contain salmon/steel so its not shady to be out trouting unless you have a 9' rod with 12lb test casting a #5 blue fox and you swear you are out trout fishing even if thats all you seem to be able to catch.
Thuggin4Life said:
the daily limit thing is so if you are camping you can have 5 fish in your cooler from the day before. no way on a day trip you should have a second limit. If you are outwith the intention of keeping fish once you get your limit you are done if you are not keeping fish then you can fish all day and keep a few instead of tossing them in the water to die. for salmon a steelhead you should leave a spot on the tag if you are trying to catch and realease so you can take one home even if not planned on so you don't toss a dying fish back in.

Also I am pretty sure that you aren't allowed to give away a fish once you have your limit. so guys that are filling the daily limit then still fishing and giving away fish are breaking the law. Also you aren't supposed to be fishing so guys that are handing off rods are still breaking the law. and its ilegal to tag a fish for your buddy if he doesn't have a tag.

And not sure about you guys but during the spring nook run and summer steel run on my rivers there are lots of people out trout fishing because the seasons over lap and we have 2 great trout rivers that also contain salmon/steel so its not shady to be out trouting unless you have a 9' rod with 12lb test casting a #5 blue fox and you swear you are out trout fishing even if thats all you seem to be able to catch.

No one but fly fly fisherman fish the wilson nehalem ect. for cuttroat and rainbows. Ive never seen one. If your on a migratory river you know what your doing.
Ps I fish for steelies w my 7 foot shakespere and 8 pound test.
Im not being disrespectful but I disagree, I respect your opinionthough thuggin.:) Its good to have a good conversation.
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Raincatcher said:
Hells Bells! I gotta catch one before I worry about getting too many! I would pass out if I got two in one day and then I wouldn't need to worry about being illegal. lmao!!

What she said....people actually catch more than one a day? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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