New guy...


New member
Hi all! I'm an Oregon native, 43. Been part of this group for about a month. Until a few years ago, I really only fished STS. I honestly didn't think people caught bass here enough to make it worth it.....
I know better now! Anyway, I'm visiting a friend on Tenmile the next couple days. he's got a 16' Hewes. I've never been. Any advice? Largies? Silvers?

Thanks in advance, report to ensue :-)
I'm visiting a friend on Tenmile the next couple days. he's got a 16' Hewes. I've never been. Any advice? Largies? Silvers?
A bunch of average sized (14-18") Largemouth, but I've never fished it this time of year.

With all the rain we are set to receive you might see a push of fresh silvers enter the lake. I'm sure the locals on here will give you great. detailed info.
I'm not much help but you can always look for jumpers when you're coho fishing. Troll around until they show themselves then focus on that area. I've always done well with small wiggle warts.
Well, didn't find much. Seems we were a mere couple days before coho showed up. Learned a lot. Caught a couple bull head. Gorgeous area!! Wish i lived closer...Went to the Kilchis yesterday, quite a few fish.
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