New canoe - now what?


New member
I'm getting my first canoe next week. I'm looking to get out in it with my middle school aged son locally (Portland) and further out in the state. I've got some ideas of where to state, but I'm wondering if anyone else has advice for good introductory canoeing/ fishing spots.
Small lakes are good. The boy and I like Trillium and Harriet. Stay away from Timothy and Hagg until you have some experience.

The Tualatin River is good, but you will need help with drop off and pick up. Same as stretches of the Willamette
Lake Estacada is a nice spot nearby Portland to get comfortable with the process. You can drop in at McIver park boat launch. There are some videos on YouTube of the lake If you want a preview. Just make sure you don’t forget to pay your $5 day fee on the way in.
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