Nestucca area reports?

Hello all,

I'll probably be heading to the Nestucca River area this weekend in hopes of steelhead glory.

Wondering if anyone has any reports on how the system has been lately? I usually bank fish the Beaver to Blaine stretch....but would be very curious to know what's happening below and in 3 rivers...never fished that area and have read some good things

Thanks for any input, I'll be sure to post a report w/pics once I return.
Above three rivers

Above three rivers

I know a guide that fish just above three rivers and he says he's been hitting a couple a trip.
Thanks Kodiak, might have to give that section a try.
Well, Unfortunately came down with the the sickness going around and couldn't make it fishing anywhere, let alone the no reports.

Not this weekend, but next...I will test my skillz....come on rain!
Sorry to hear it

Sorry to hear it

FreshMoneyFisher said:
Well, Unfortunately came down with the the sickness going around and couldn't make it fishing anywhere, let alone the no reports.

Not this weekend, but next...I will test my skillz....come on rain!

Oh,ouch! Sorry to hear that,it is one (or more) nasty bug. I had it for two weeks and now my roomie is fighting it off. The Dr. isn't sure what it even is,but it takes super anti-biotics if it is the same viral varmint that got me. Please remember to drink loads of liquid,preferrably water. You don't want dry heaves! Thought I would die! :shock: Hope you take it easy and get back on your feet to knock 'em dead ASAP. Be safe.
Krike! I'm quarantining myself now. Tell me when it's over.
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