Need input on new line for new reel

Let me start off by saying I've spent countless hours reading through old posts using the search function here and on many other sites. With that said, I still need some input from all of you.

I bought an AG Revo Toro 51 that I'm going to use to bank fish for springers and then for anything that my steelie gear won't handle. So, I plan to fish bobber and eggs and drift. The reel is going on and 8'6" Lami 12-25 rod. In the past I would have just thrown some 17-20lb Maxima UG and called it good. However, I think I want to try somehting else out this time.

The couple of options I've been thinking about are a braid or maybe a fluorocarbon/copolymer. What braids work well in a baitcaster (tufline or power pro) and what lb test would I want for springers, 50lb? I was also looking at the PLine CX or CXX. How do these work in a baitcaster and what lb test, maybe 15, 17 or 20? How do these lines cast compared to mono, how's memory, stiffness, etc? Any issues I should know about.

After reading so much I'm really just more confused. There are so many options and I feel like it's finally time to start trying some out but since line isn't cheap I wanted to float some more direct questions.

Any other brands that I should consider, Sufix, Izorline, ???

Or should I just spool it up with Maxima and keep what ain't broke? That wouldn't really be too much fun though.

Thanks for the help-
I love flouro for fly leaders, but for gear I would go Trilene or maxima and re-spool often. My boat rods for salmon have 20# Andes on them.. works great.
Any drawback to fluro or braid on a baitcaster? The guy at fishermans told me that I wanted braid but I told him I needed to look into it. Like I said I've always been a mono guy so what are the downsides to braid or fluro? Does it cast well, etc?

Just trying to learn here without expensive experiments...
flouro doesn't stretch.. so it breaks quicker, but it is stronger in general when used correctly and smaller in diameter, Braid.. well, I just hate it in general, no real need for it in my world outside of sturgeon and halibut... mono is the line that our grandparents and parents used to decimate the fish populations.. so its proven. Flouro has an exellent use on flyrods in clear water with beads and nymphs, and the stretch issue isn't that important. I simply like the cost and venerability of mono.
flouro doesn't stretch.. so it breaks quicker, but it is stronger in general when used correctly and smaller in diameter, Braid.. well, I just hate it in general, no real need for it in my world outside of sturgeon and halibut... mono is the line that our grandparents and parents used to decimate the fish populations.. so its proven. Flouro has an exellent use on flyrods in clear water with beads and nymphs, and the stretch issue isn't that important. I simply like the cost and venerability of mono.

I agree and that's why i've always used mono. I'm starting to think i should jsut stick with it but it's always interesting and informing to hear others opinions. So, do these newer copolymers, like cx or cxx, not cast well on a baitcaster?
Halibuthitman knows his stuff. The problem you have, however is that you should have bought multiple Revo toro 51s. Since you have only one, I would agree that UG maxima, in 17 lb,( or 20 lb if you fish coastal springers) is your best all around choice, but no one line can be best for multiple fishing styles. We troll, pull plugs, halibut and sturgeon fish with 50 lb powerpro, side drift and bobber fish with hi vis P line, and drift fish with Maxima UG. There is no limit to the money one can spend on fishing.
IMO braid is the way to go if you are going to do a lot of float fishing.It tends to be easier to mend, it floats(better than mono anyway) and is smaller in diameter. I use 25 lb power pro for most salmon/steel fishing when using the float rod.Keep in mind that braid doesn't stretch as much as mono,and a good bobber down requires the fastest hookset you can manage (most of the time).Both types of line have advantages and disadvantages,so spend a few bucks and give em both a try!Experience will hone your skills, and with time, you will learn what works for you:D
for float fishing, I use braid. For everything else I roll with 10 or 12# P-Line CXX exclusively. For me it's what I'm confident in. I know CXX can hold up to a lot of abuse. I respool every trip when I can afford it, but it doesn't get too bad of memory and is useable for a while.
The smaller pound braid is really easy to get rapped up around your rod and in a tangled mess if you go braid get the higher test stuff just my 2 cents.
Yeah birds nests suck a lot on a casting reel with lighter braid. I run 45 on my salmon reel not for the strength but the stiffness. If you run heavy line beware, it can be the death of a rod. I've never broke any of mine due to line but I know people who have.
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