Nasty Native Hen...

I fished a native only valley river this morning. Considering the river was colored up and dropping, I focused on moving areas rather than holding water. Found a nice piece of spinner water and started chucking. Started with a #4 pink body Blue Fox, then a plain silver #4, then black bladed home made with not even a tap. My next choice was a #4 TCO and first cast this hen HAMMERED it. She put on a full blown sea world style airshow. Every time I got her near the bank she would catch a glimpse of me and tear off 30-40' of line like nothing was happening. There was only one log anywhere near us and she finally made a B-line for it. I said a little prayer and palmed my reel then pulled. I was able to coax her to the bank after about 15 minutes. The best part is the river was flowing from my right to left. Judging by the hook position, this hen TURNED AROUND to hit it. This one's for you Kodiak, TCO lure's still gettin it DONE! 216112.jpg 216113.jpg
nice job adam, nice fish...i like the pic of the lure, the fish is looking at it like " you frickin made this???..i thought it was food"
nice job adam, nice fish...i like the pic of the lure, the fish is looking at it like " you frickin made this???..i thought it was food"

I know!! I like close ups of live fish, the eyes of a dead fish just look dead. Only a live fish will be looking down trying to figure out what the heck is goin on!
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