My lil' bro's first bit of nookie!!

Haha!! Pops got some too!!:D

Got a chance to hop into a boat and fill a few seats with my Dad and my little Brother in a hogline on the Columbia. Captain of the boat slept on the river last night, motored to the dock and picked up his first load of passengers, limited them out by noon, when we got on the boat.
We slide up into the spot, get the rods out, and I start unloading my grub outta my backpack into the food pile, and while I'm getttin out the Snickers bars, FISH-ON!
Lil' Bro gets on the rod, and this fish WORKED him!! Dropped outta the line, 10 minutes later we were headin' up to the ball with 27lbs in the cooler.




Pops ended up with a 24#er...
Damned kid Salmon fishes for 20 minutes and has a 27#er...that's my bro!!

Pretty sure I'm the only one that didn't come home with fish...but if I wasn't there they woulda just threw the eggs from the hens away...So I gots me some eggo's curin' up right now!:D
Luck & Skill combo

Luck & Skill combo

Wow! :shock: Talk about luck! And skill,of course. Two out of three is still awesome. Way to go! :clap::clap:
Now he gonna think its easy and wonder why its not like that every day.

Haha! I know...poor kid!

Barb; Thats MY luck! You shoulda heard all the smack they were talkin' to me...The captain is my old boss, and my dads current boss- They are construction workers (Siding Applicators, new construction) so you know they had plenty of $h17 to talk! I'm sure my dad is hearing it from the whole crew right now about his oldest son getting out fished by his youngest son who never caught more than trout before!
Big dog should have been with you wearing that shirt!!! Good looking fish and it sounds like your little bro will become a force not to be reckoned with in the fishing world.Gotta love summertime!
Haha! I know...poor kid!

Barb; Thats MY luck! You shoulda heard all the smack they were talkin' to me...The captain is my old boss, and my dads current boss- They are construction workers (Siding Applicators, new construction) so you know they had plenty of $h17 to talk! I'm sure my dad is hearing it from the whole crew right now about his oldest son getting out fished by his youngest son who never caught more than trout before!

Hey nice fish! Out fished by a little brother is better than being out fished by a little sister.:shock:
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