My Astoria mega post (Warning: not dial up friendly)

Jacks Tackle
Spent 3 days in Astoria and made the promise to the person who invited me that I would not make this post until he was home so here you go.

Tuesday fished 3 hours, wednesday alittle over 3 hours and on Thuresday we fished for 2 hours and 20 minutes. In all we hooked 79 fish! Just flat incredible! All on R&B Blades behind a delta diver and a fish flash!





















The Perfect ending to my trip!

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That has got to be one of the best set of pictures ever posted on this forum. It certainly doesn't get much better than that. Just amazing!:clap:
Nearly speechless...

Nearly speechless...

Oh my! :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Incredible is a very good word for it. :clap::clap:
Great report and nice pictures. Looks like you were working the green line. Glad you had a good trip.:)
Hey Rob, looks like you guys had one heck of a trip. Can you post some pics of the spinners?
If any of you guys haven't been out to see Rob, I would highly reccomend it. This guy knows more about spinner building and spinner fishing than any other guy I know. You can walk into his shop and he will literally tell you everything that you ever wanted to know about spinner fishing and then some.
I think I feel sick!! :lol: We should start a new rule where you can only post pictures of three maybe four chrome bright fish in one post!! :D
Ugh! DROOOL! Awesome post! What size of blades were you using?
I am now clinically depressed.

All I caught this weekend was a trout. One. Single. Trout.

Salmon revenge will be mine this fall. It will.
I know how you feel. I almost had to lie down after viewing it!

OH!!!! And the ultimate action shot of the boat next door 'Fishical Therapy'
I need a hurling smiley face...
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Some folks are depressed, Not me, I'm pumped. Seeing all those fish means there must be at least 1 or 2 with my name on them. Wow, Noce Job guys. Great pictures. Another reason to join OFF. Qwa :dance:
MY GOD if only I could catch huge fish like that... I am so green with envy!!

Small world! I just made my intro into OFF just last week and already I've been called out. Yes, that is I in the black shorts aboard the Fishical Therapy. Rob Brown is not only top notch, but he is in deed a great person. He took time away from his busy shop last January to school me in the art of spinner fishing. It was that day using his spinners, R&B Lures, that I was able to catch my first winter steelhead from the Sandy.

The story behind this post was that we three in Fishical Therapy had only one bite in a miserable 5 hours of fishing at B10 last week. It wasn't until when we pulled up along Rob and he generously handed us a few of his spinners. That's when our day turned around! The next few passes was fast and furious for us. One fish after another, it was unbelievable! At one point when I was trying to tag a fish when I got interrupted by yet another fish on my rod. Thanks again Rob!
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"Called out" is what happens when you whack em! Its a good thing.

The spinners are good but you guys still put them where they needed to be!

The pics looked too good to not post. The smiles show you guys had a great time.

Congrats on the good day down there and also the sweet coho from the trib!

thanks fo rthe pics.
looks like a great time.
Those pics and the story from Fishsauce are what this forum is all about. Awesome! :clap:
Makes me feel all tingly inside...
gooooood stuff. Keep em coming

Great post!

I'm going to have to see the tackle man and go fishing!!

Man, those spinners are MANGLED!!

Question...why the duo-lock swivels?
Like you said, mangled spinners. They make for changing out the spinners easier.

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