Motor traveling position/transom saver

What position do you put the motor when on a trailer and should you use a transom saver
Not sure what a transom saver is. I travel with it down like when its in the water. never had a problem. no with the last 2 motors i have had the had an easy pull click ratchet like trip so i bungie the shaft to keep it from going click, click, click, click, SLAM! when i hit a bump. curious what a transom saver is. If your transome isn't very stong you can just put the motor on when you get to the water.
Transom saver is a bar that goes between the trailer and the lower unit taking off some pressure
Sounds like the bungie cord i use.
Transom saver holds the motor "up". Bungie cord holds the motor "down". That setup keeps loads off the transom. Traveling with the motor up keeps the prop and the keel away from driveways and such.
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My dad has a transom saver on his trailer. He uses the power trim/tilt to lower the outboard onto it with a little pressure on the saver. He then uses a very thick rubber bungee cord to keep the lower unit attached to the saver. It really isn't necessary until you start getting up into the larger outboards, the kind that bolt through holes in the transom instead of just clamping onto it. My dad didn't have one with his old 25hp mercury but he got his 40hp evinrude and had a saver installed.
My mercury owners manual says it is best to travel wuth the motor as close to verticle as possible and not bang it in to the ground.
Not always possible to travel with it down. The trailer I have for my Arima is to low!
I just use lumber to put between the bracket and the motor.
Be sure to snug up your trolling motors. They will fall off, if you don't watch--don't ask
how I know!
I always drive with them down. and drop the boat with them down. been warned obout motor dragging when launching but haven't had it happen with 3 different motors and 2 different boat trailers. If the prop was really close to the ground i could see this thing being handy. Yeah make sure things are tight. What most call a troller i call a main and I check it every so often and sometimes it snugs up a bit sometimes not. hate to have it fall off on the freeway. i dont see how the save reduces any strain on the transom. the motor still wieghts the same.
Ok i get it now.
thanks guys i was just going to ask all the same questions!!
motor still seems to be doing great- it hiccups a little and the throttle is stiff, but geez its alost as old as i am and let not get into my hiccuping or stiffness.
does the throttle have an auto pilot set screw? most of them do, and that may be why the throttle feels stiff. Brian
the answer has been said already, the proper trailer possition is down as low as safely possible while still giving proper road clearences, this is because the engine(larger high hp) powerhead weight being forward of the transom can in some cases cause the lower seam of a transom to split from bounce induced leverege the transomsaver isn't so much to save the transom but to save the trim system and mounting bracket and bolts from breakage...
Brian, if it does i dunno where its at.
I'll take a picture of mine for you.
Ok so look on the bottom of you tiller handle. there should be some kind of rod that turns when you turn the trottler on the handle. Now look to se if there is some kind of restricter like a bolt or screw or in my case there is a clamp that tightens down the trottle. and on the side of the arm there is the wingnut that you tighten to lock it all together.
i dont think i have anything like that. i'll look today. when we picked up the motor the whole assembly under the hood that rotates when you get on the throttle was not frozen, but really stiff. the guy we bought it from put a lot of 3 in 1 oil in there and worked it loose. its still a bit stiff, but functional.
Oh ok sounds like your are gonna have a stiff throttle unless you can break something loose. sounds like its better than before already.

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