Monster bass aug 3 to present (pics)

these bass where caught either using robo worms 4lb test or mattlures bluegill 8lb test.

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Reactions: FernRidgeChamp
Nice. What lake is that?
IndyMusky those are some nice fish you have there however this is the Oregon Fishing Forum, not the California or Texas or Florida fishing forum. Show us the bass you've been able to catch in oregon man...
Purdy fishes....I wants 'em!

Purdy fishes....I wants 'em!

Well,it doesn't really matter where they were caught,I'm jealous! We don't require that pictures be ONLY fish caught in Oregon that I know of. It would be nice to think they came from somewhere close enough for other members to get into them. Indi,any chance of them being born and raised here in our area? Can't figure out any other reason for the artful disguise of the scenery. :think:
Thanks for sharing the pics wherever they are from. :clap:

Be safe.
Johnny Southpaw said:
IndyMusky those are some nice fish you have there however this is the Oregon Fishing Forum, not the California or Texas or Florida fishing forum. Show us the bass you've been able to catch in oregon man...


a fish is a fish. enjoy its beauty...dont get jealous that Cali has bigger bass :dance: :D
Sorry all, no disrespect to indy intented; those are nice fish:clap::clap:, as I said in previous post. Thanks for sharing. However those fish are a lot more impressive, and I'm a lot more jealous, if they did come from Oregon and not Cali. Maybe they did come from somewhere in oregon:think::think: but doesn't look like it to me...
No problem

No problem

No harm,no foul....I still want some of those....:D
Be safe.
I actually support Johhny on this one. Indy gets on here a lot to show off his cali fish. who cares? Fish Oregon and brag about Oregon! I dont go on any other forum and post monster shots of steel or salmon to people in the midwest. Nor do I see people from Florida posting monster bass or redfish or snook on this forum. Big fish can be found/seen/caught anywhere. I can appreciate that. I can look forward to someday posting a vacation shot of a hawg I caught off Hawaii or in the Gulf of Mexico, but it would be just that, a vacation/trophy type shot. His fish are all the same bass, on the same lake, and I do get the "haha our fish are better" feel from his posts. Sure, they are beautiful bass, I hope he releases them for some kid to catch down the road. But to intentionally cammo the photo of the same lake he always post a shot of, Im no sucker, and I wont take the bait. Like I said, nice fish. His fish finder must be a lowrance with a beautiful display. Good job, uhh monitoring the screen. Sorry if I offend anyone with this post. But I fish in OREGON, I brag about OREGON, I love OREGON and all that it has to offer! I dont care if my local bass are 10' smallmouth. I have caught plenty of fish in my 32years and Im still fishing. Tight lines all, sorry to rant, that post just irked me.
catphish said:
I actually support Johhny on this one. Indy gets on here a lot to show off his cali fish.

:confused: A lot? Really? He has only posted 5 times total and this is only the second thread he has posted on.

As for the edit job... not sure what he was trying to edit out. Can't be to try and hide the lake because the water tower in the backround would make it easy to figure out the lake.
catphish said:
Nor do I see people from Florida posting monster bass or redfish or snook on this forum.

A) We dont have a snook forum
B) We dont have a redfish forum
C) Would u be this upset if this was from washington?? (cali is just a state south)
D) He is helping to promote lite line, mattlures baits, and some pics of bass :clap:

well done!
we dont have a sonoma county forum either (yes I looked). every forum section cept the spinning, boats, classifieds, and new members say IN OREGON at the end of every section title. I can understand you deffending your cali pal, I can understand you deffending the light line, mattlures and how blue the sky is if you want or how hard concrete is. Thats all true, the fish are nice, great job pulling a hawg w 4lb test. and yes, if a guy from washington post a bunch of hawg shots, doesn't live or fish here, and says look what I can catch in my local pond, Yep I would recommend he stay in that pond and drop his camera. Im sure theres a cali forum where you and Indy can post those california fish. and I may be wrong about you, but your post talk about sonoma enough for me to guess I will not see you on the columbia river. I am not trying to, or looking for an argument, we all know that just leads to bannishment or a mad troutski. Im just an Oregon fisherman. I can show you pics of plenty of fish that I caught in Florida or Hawaii, but I would make a new forum section firsts. Maybe an "on your vacation" forum, or a "look at this fishtale" forum. Sorry, I just stop now, this is retarded and I started it. Im gonna go find my helmet, get on the short bus and go fishing with a kid.
Take a deep breath....hold it........................

Take a deep breath....hold it........................

If you check Indymusky's past posts,you will see that he is planning on moving to Portland sometime in the near future,so he will then become an Oregonian. He freely admits that the fish were caught at Diamond Valley Lake and Dixon Lake. Oregon lakes? No. When Hawk guessed he was somewhere near San Diego,he says "good guess". No devious or sinister plot to overthrow any Bass clubs in Oregon that I can see. Remember,we DO NOT require an Oregon address to belong to this forum.
As for an attitude change,any clue who posted this just a couple of months ago?
"Bass? Whats a bass? I havent seen one of those, since you caught all their family, they stopped biting, lol. Good lord, those are beauties. Where you landing those? out of state? oh, and welcome to the site. WE happy to have good anglers on here. Plethera of info on this forum."
Yep,catphish. Now,if his pics were okay in June,what has changed? Personally I am hoping that he will sniff out some hawgs like those and share with the rest of us.
Let's all get back out to the water while the barometer is dropping and BONK!!
Be safe.
first off, over the past 5 years, i have spent 95% of them in Oregon fishing the Willy river. And yes you are correct, I will not be fishing the Colombia as my river partner does just fine on the willy in salem and the rest I do out of a pontoon boat. Secondly, i've posted once i think about sonoma county, and probably a dozen or so times about Clear Lake and the Sacromento Delta. You might ask why since your such the only oregon post die hard fan, but after my posts i will get a few PM's about more detail. People want to know who are die hard bass fishermen, and want to fish two of the top 5 LMB fisheries in the states. Forgive me also for posting about Lake Shasta, which is so commonly asked on many oregon forums. Its just across the border and I have no problem helping the people with what i've learned there over the years.

So dont call me out on sonoma county, cuz 99% of my posts show oregon fish. :naughty:

n e ways, Diamond Valley Lake and especially Lake Dixon are world renowned lakes. Maybe think about some of thos tactics if you ever fish there. Lake D has produced tons of fish over 15lbs!
thanks for the compliments i appreciate it, and for u other people chill out i was just showing some pictures of some fish. and their not the same fish and if ur not blind u can tell that, ive also never kept a bass in my entire life and i post these so maybe some1 could get some good advice and lay into some lunker bass. i hate it when u get people on forums that are so negative because their havin a hard time on the lake, its a joke and you should be taking advice and maybe youll catch some nice fish one day..
indymusky said:
thanks for the compliments i appreciate it, and for u other people chill out i was just showing some pictures of some fish. and their not the same fish and if ur not blind u can tell that, ive also never kept a bass in my entire life and i post these so maybe some1 could get some good advice and lay into some lunker bass. i hate it when u get people on forums that are so negative because their havin a hard time on the lake, its a joke and you should be taking advice and maybe youll catch some nice fish one day..

assuming i'm one of those 'other people' i'll go ahead and take my chill pill indymusky. i simply found it curious and somewhat pretentious that your original post neglected to include where you caught those fish. also, i've caught plenty of nice fish here in oregon so don't fret about leaving lunker land-sounds like 1bigfish and flippinbaits are ready to turn you on to willamette bronzebacks. looking forward to seeing your first oregon bass pics.
This isn't CFF

This isn't CFF

Oregon has some awesome bass fisheries but lets be honest the cali guys have it a lot easier when it comes to landing that monster so keep the out of state pics to your self.
Friendly forum...

Friendly forum...

"I am not trying to, or looking for an argument, we all know that just leads to banishment or a mad troutski"

You see, you are right...let’s keep this light and friendly. It is called the Oregon Fishing Forum, that doesn't mean one can't post pictures of fish caught some where else; if that was the case my pictures from Canada would be in question.
It is my opinion that the reason it became Oregon Fishing Forum instead of Fishing Forum was due to the fact that OFF sounds better than FF ;)
Lets all take a nice cleansing breath and relax and enjoy the stories and pictures where ever they come from.

Thank you for taking the time to post some pictures of your adventures. I have to say I am in the same boat as you in regards that I am in a different state for the time being. Next year I will be back fishing my home waters of Oregon (on a permanent basis) which I have been fishing ever since 1964 to 2003. I have been coming back to Oregon to fish during certain times through out the 6 or 7 years I have been away. I ran into this web site via a tag on some ones signature and have had a great time reminiscing of places I have been that others get to fish while I have been away. I have wanted to make picture postings of waters I fish now ( Great Lakes and Great Lakes tributaries) but I have found that there seems to be a attitude of "This is a Oregon fishing forum" so I have been reluctant to make posting. The previous postings even as ill-mannered as they are prove my point. When you do get to move up to the North I would hope to see your postings then, as well as your CA pictures now.

Thank you Troutski for your input on this matter. I will keep it in mind when I am in doubt about making a picture posting. I for one like to see fishes and big smile pictures to go along with the commentary.

Tight Lines & Bent Rods
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If posts have no relevance to oregon i'm not interested-there are plenty of other outlets to look at pictures of people smiling with their catch. I don't care if people post pics of fish from other places, but it's nice to know what their connection to OREGON is. If there is no connection, what's the point of posting it on the OFF? Just to see some Joe or Jane smiling and holding a fish from who knows where? Really? That's exciting and very informative to Oregonian fisher-folk. This forum is a great resource for those of us interested in Oregon-related fishing information; it is my opinion that if people start posting pics of fish with little to no commentary or connection to Oregon, the site becomes diluted and it's value as a resource for Oregon fishermen declines.
Story woulda been good with the above pics. Maybe I wouldnta stared at the screen for ten minutes wondering; "Do I know that spot....":lol:

Got any other examples of the attitude of the forum, or is this based on two, woops, three members personal feelings?? Just curious.
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