Mollala River

Any fish in there? Anybody fish it with a fly rod? It is near where I work I discovered and there is a pull out by Arrowhead Golf course that looks like it has good water for fish and fly-fishing. Hoping to find a place to fish after work and not have to drive to far.

Wagon Wheel park is right there aross from Arrowhead, and it has a nice Squawfish hole, and I know some Bass call it home too. Those crappy Guides Choice eggs from Joes, or Fishermans, work like crazy, but flies this time of year for bass is going to be really hard, if not impossible. The water is now really cold. I fish down lower, and up quite a bit higher on the Molalla, and catch little trout in a few places, they are the resident variety I'm sure, and they don't get very big, so I kick them back, but they are still kind of fun. Just don't fish the Wagon Wheel stretch much anymore.
Is there good public access lower and higher up on the river for those little trout. I just want some place to fish after work.

For the trout, I normally have good luck on the 211 bridge going between Molalla, and that little town before you get to Colton from Canby...Look up all th eplaces where roads cross the Molalla River, thats how I found places to fish, and bring waders now. It is getting higher, and faster. Lots of decent places to find fish.
Take the dickey prairie road up and there is a ton of access, I grew up on this river and it is filled with small cutts, beware every year, one of us would nail a nice big steelhead and get taken for a ride!
The pleasure...

The pleasure...

joemomma said:
Take the dickey prairie road up and there is a ton of access, I grew up on this river and it is filled with small cutts, beware every year, one of us would nail a nice big steelhead and get taken for a ride!

Oh the pleasures of the accidental catch, it is what dreams are made of...:clap:

I was looking at a map and it seems like there is a good amount of private property along the dickie praire road? Are there pull outs to park and have public access. Also any where to park on the S. Mollala Forest road on the other side of the river. Looking at some Sat images it seems like there would be better bank/ wading fishing on that side since it is the inside of the curve?

redhawk50 said:
I was looking at a map and it seems like there is a good amount of private property along the dickie praire road? Are there pull outs to park and have public access. Also any where to park on the S. Mollala Forest road on the other side of the river. Looking at some Sat images it seems like there would be better bank/ wading fishing on that side since it is the inside of the curve?


If ya go up the Molalla forest road there is some access, then up above the Glen Avon bridge it is a free for all, at the bridge you want to be on the west side road, it will take you to detroit if your not careful!:cool: There are still some nice native cutts in there!
Molalla River

Molalla River

Ive been fishing this river since i was about 6 or 7 years old and now im 35 and still enjoy fishing it.Early in the season march to may im almost always guarenteed to hook into a salmon or steelhead from fryer park up to horse creek.Late june till the end of july i will mainly use just one fly a yellow/cream buckskin caddis larva that ive tied for this river its deadly,and also works great on the clack.The stretch of river that i fling fur in is from glen avon clear up to copper crk.LOts of little rainbows and a few cutts,from 6 to 8 inches.A 10" fish is a whopper and ive landed quite a few of those this year, and handful of 16" which i consider a molalla trophy.With gas prices as high as they were this year im glad im only a mile away, from the molalla so i can rip lips in five minutes.Easiest way to get to the headwaters from dickey praire store is head south on dickey prarie rd. to glen avon bridge then go south on molalla forest rd.pulling over here and there as you work your way up the river.After 6 to 10 fish from a good stretch/drift of river i move on.I take all 5 of my boys up there all summer long and rig them all up with black/gold panther martins or the yellow/silver pmartin and they do really good.Please remember if you pack it in please pack it out, the river is for us to enjoy it not destroy it.
Thanks for all the info. Looks like I am only 30 minutes from the Glen Avon bridge area from where I work so I am looking forward to getting out there for some evening fishing in the future.
Spirit of OFF

Spirit of OFF

joemomma & furflinger;
Thanks guys, for showing the spirit of OFF. It's all about the Sharing & Caring our members show everyone here. Someday we should make a list of all the out of the way fishing holes that never make it into those pro books. A private list, of course...we don't want the whole world showing up! Thanks again.
'Tooned from Good's Bridge, to Knights Bridge, and caught a bunch of Cutthroat from just below Good's Bridge, all the way to the Canby Pond, after that it was dead except for the Pikeminnow and Chub. 10 or so Cutties played, and a bunch of Squaws and Creek Chub. It is getting productive out there now.
Squaws & Chub

Squaws & Chub

I was wondering what you meant be creek chub since I had not heard that term before. It looks like the common minnow, but I did not know they got big enough to get caught on a hook.

I could not find the equivalent to it for the Molalla, but I found this species list for the McKenzie that has great pictures for us newbies. I am curious though have any of you ever seen the whitefish and the stickleback? BTW It says that the Northern Pikeminnow (used to be called squawfish, lets not offend the fishies now ;-) is not good to eat. Other than it being bony, Why? I am thinking of like Survivor Man or Man VS Wild reasons you would not eat it. Does it taste bad, or is it a ducky dust eater?
There is a rock quarry/gravel pit in Canby, and a while back, when locals had access to trout/bass fish this private lake/pit, they planted Largemouth Bass, Creek Chub, Catfish, and various other species including verified accounts of multiple Sturgeon caught in the mid 90's. Somebody was busy. The pond overflowed in 96, and a lot of the introduced species got out into the Mo. Squaws are completely eatible, but they are a disgusting little fish, lots of bones, pudding for muscle, and they just plain stink when you split them open...

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