Miami River Chum Salmon Fishing

i noticed there are no posts on the miami so ill start it.. ive been there once before with my uncle who goes every fall. it's catch and release for chums and you can keep chinook i think. pulling my first chum salmon out of the water was a suprise. can't remember where on the river or how we got there (i slept the whole way there) but if someone wants a chance at a chum salmon they are awesome. the miami river would be the place to go ;)
Yep, just be careful the bottom of the river is all private, good access is available up the logging road into the state forest...just pinch those barbs please and don't hold the chummers out of the water for pictures too long, these fish will punish a flyrod, and its a very nice quiet lonely place.. lots of wildlife. Lock your cars the local kids on dirtbikes will steal anything left out in view. And if you catch a nate steel please be nice to it. Im impressed you know about this river Brandon.. your a lucky guy to have an uncle who shared it with you..
ok, i can't do it.. I feel like im endangering everyone by not giving the full story, Bigfoot has been spotted up there several times, but the state troopers say it highly unlikely that hes involved in the triple homicide up there last year, could have been the grizzlys that seem to have taken a liking to the area but I find it hard to believe with the sheer numbers of the cougars that come down to feed on the empty prawn containers. But on a good note the timberwolf population appears to have stabilized.. probably becouse so many of them were killed in that disgruntled vets boobi traps.. But once again the troopers say they have spoken to him and he agreed to no longer use ones that kill.. watch out for mudslides on that one turn and remember never cimb up the bank in that other spot... GOOD FISHIN-


ok, i can't do it.. I feel like im endangering everyone by not giving the full story, Bigfoot has been spotted up there several times, but the state troopers say it highly unlikely that hes involved in the triple homicide up there last year, could have been the grizzlys that seem to have taken a liking to the area but I find it hard to believe with the sheer numbers of the cougars that come down to feed on the empty prawn containers. But on a good note the timberwolf population appears to have stabilized.. probably becouse so many of them were killed in that disgruntled vets boobi traps.. But once again the troopers say they have spoken to him and he agreed to no longer use ones that kill.. watch out for mudslides on that one turn and remember never cimb up the bank in that other spot... GOOD FISHIN-

I'm glad you finally told them so I didn't have to be the one to let the cat out of the bag. I was gonna tell them about loggers using the skyline to haul the cars OFF too but I guess that would be too much....

So Hitman, when are we going? They sound like a ball on the 4wt!

Last time I went out there I came back with two less toes!

Not to mention that guy who hangs out by that one bridge in the pink tutu claiming to be a yarn ball.
I'm glad you finally told them so I didn't have to be the one to let the cat out of the bag. I was gonna tell them about loggers using the skyline to haul the cars OFF too but I guess that would be too much....

So Hitman, when are we going? They sound like a ball on the 4wt!


on a 4... your gonna need a Hardy large arbour saltwater series reel with 800 yards of backing on it!!
Yep, just be careful the bottom of the river is all private, good access is available up the logging road into the state forest...just pinch those barbs please and don't hold the chummers out of the water for pictures too long, these fish will punish a flyrod, and its a very nice quiet lonely place.. lots of wildlife. Lock your cars the local kids on dirtbikes will steal anything left out in view. And if you catch a nate steel please be nice to it. Im impressed you know about this river Brandon.. your a lucky guy to have an uncle who shared it with you..
thanks for letting me know about the river access that will help for the future ;) and don't worry about c and r i always use barbless hooks and wet hands before handling fish when i'm doing catch and release (which is most of the time). the cougar thing scares me though because i had a close encounter with one when i was steelie fishing the n.santiam earlier this year. maybe i should bring my dads handgun..
thanks for letting me know about the river access that will help for the future ;) and don't worry about c and r i always use barbless hooks and wet hands before handling fish when i'm doing catch and release (which is most of the time). the cougar thing scares me though because i had a close encounter with one when i was steelie fishing the n.santiam earlier this year. maybe i should bring my dads handgun..
well, I hate to bum you out ....but the pumas up there ( some people call them pumas, I call em a mountain lion ) anyway the death panthers up there wear body armor given to them by miss norms 4 th grade class.. they saved up 44,000 campbells tomater soup labels and sent them into green peace. org and they tuned em up like a bunch of 82nd airborne warriors... have you ever heard of a river called the wilson? let me tell ya about.....
thanks brad. but if you see a news report about a 16 year old getting murdered by a crazy cougar because he was fishing in it's territory it's all your fault just remeber that. hahaha jk ;)

Aren't those chums like endangered or something? I would stay away from them altogether.
well.. too much pressure definitely wouldn't be good for them.. the Miami is a fragile watershed in general.. but the steelhead and chum numbers are fishable.
Exactly, that's where it was filmed! Of course it took a lot video editing to edit out all the Cougars, Bigfoots, Bears, Dragons, Demons, Rednecks, Witchs, Snipes, HUGE Anaconda, and last but not least the tutu guy under the bridge who is apparently Brad's father.

In all seriousness I think the main thing you gotta watch out for up there is the hunters, they don't always pay attention and if you showed up out there in that camo in your avatar it might not end so good for you. A couple times this year already I've been out fishing and heard real close gunshots and one time I'm pretty sure I heard the bullet wiz by about 10ft above my head. (no i wasn't on private property)
Exactly, that's where it was filmed! Of course it took a lot video editing to edit out all the Cougars, Bigfoots, Bears, Dragons, Demons, Rednecks, Witchs, Snipes, HUGE Anaconda, and last but not least the tutu guy under the bridge who is apparently Brad's father.

OK, this is my new favorite thread...quite entertaining so far!
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